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Globalisation et changement d’échelle dans le gouvernement urbain

Peer-reviewed publication
Octubre, 2007

Cet article analyse les relations entre la mondialisation et le changement d’échelle urbaine. Il considère que les dynamiques à l’œuvre dans le processus de mondialisation (politiques néo-libérales, compétition territoriale, suburbanisation) conduisent à de nouvelles contraintes pesant sur les villes. Une des réponses les plus pertinentes que les villes peuvent générer repose sur le changement d’échelle de leurs institutions en bâtissant de nouvelles structures ou en les restructurant pour renforcer leur capacité d’action.

Iniciativas sobre Desarrollo Urbano enunciadas por el Ministerio de la Vivienda y Urbanismo, marzo de 1979. /Urban Development Initiatives announced by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, March 1979.

Peer-reviewed publication
Julio, 2001

El autor expone su parecer, en 1979, en materias de: el suelo y su valor, la ciudad, la infraestructura urbana y el desgaste de las instalaciones, la situación de la extensión urbana en Chile, y las perspectivas futuras, al momento de comunicarse las iniciativas sobre Desarrollo Urbano por el Ministerio de la Vivienda y Urbanismo en ese mismo año. /The author gives his point of view, in 1979, on the themes of: land and its value, the city, urban infrastructure and depreciation, the situation of urban extension in Chile, and future perspectives.

Innovación empresarial y territorio: Una aplicación a Vigo y su área de influencia

Peer-reviewed publication
Septiembre, 2011

La innovación es la capacidad de generar e incorporar conocimientos para dar respuestas creativas a los problemas del presente. En la situación actual es vista como un factor clave para mejorar la competitividad de las empresas y favorecer el desarrollo sostenible en los territorios. Las pymes tienen una mayor dependencia del territorio, por lo que se analiza cuál es el efecto que la gestión del territorio por parte de las empresas tiene sobre su capacidad de innovación. Se evalúa el sistema de innovación de las pymes de Vigo y su área de influencia.

Realization process of structures in Great Britain: The case of the commercial centre Martineu Place in Birmingham

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2003

The topic of this paper is the presentation of the Martineau Place Commercial Centre project in Birmingham. Through detailed elucidations of the participants’ role (investor, project team, contractor) particular attention has been paid to the realization process of this significant development. The very complex project of construction value of just under 20 million and realized in the period of increased economic uncertainty in the years 2001 and 2002 has been envisaged within the framework of macro trends influencing its realization.

Market-led Development versus Basic Needs: Common Property and the Common Good in St. Lucia

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2011

This paper argues that contemporary development policies have failed to solve the problem of the maldistribution of economic resources, poverty, underemployment, and skewed income distribution. With the collapse of the Lomé Convention in 1996, St. Lucia saw its banana export market suffer a steep decline. Since then, Lomé St. Lucia has focused on market-led international tourism as the new engine of growth. Market-led development is fraught with economic cycles of up and down that lead to economic uncertainty and catastrophe for many people of limited resources.

A szociális és szolidáris gazdaság csírái a magyarországi vidéki térségekben (Seeds of Social and Solidarity Economy in Hungarian Rural Areas)

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2014

The social and solidarity economy (SSE) is an emerging sector of the European economies. It’s importance is demonstrated by millions of employees and significant share of GDP. In recognition of its perceptivity, ministries dedicated to SSE have been established in many countries. However, there is a lively debate about on the definition of SSE itself. Opinions on the role of employment, the relations to governments and attitudes to competitiveness differ from each other. In the first part of my paper a clarification of the conceptual issues will be summarized.

Environmental impact of the mining activity and revitalization of degraded space

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2005

This paper analyses various aspects of environmental impact of the mineral resources’ exploitation in the mining basins, which can be listed as agricultural (and forest) land intake, relocation of the settlements, water course rearrangement, repositioning of roads and other infrastructure systems, decrease in level of ground water, etc. The paper points to the possible application of new technologies in mineral resources exploitation as well as to certain economic (external) effects.


Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2016

One of the most challenging projects that the new Metropolitan city of Naples is going to face, concerns the regeneration of the ex-industrial areas located in the eastern zone of the city, characterized by the presence of the port. Among the several reasons of the slowness in which the current program of urban regeneration proceed (NaplEst) is the generic identification of the demand for new functions in an area which plays a strategic role in the metropolitan context.


Peer-reviewed publication
Julio, 2016

One of the educational areas which have the function as the center of the new growth is the Campus of the State University of Semarang. The existence of Unnes trigger the development of the Sekaran sub-district. One area that has developed commercial activity quite rapidly in the Sekaran sub-district is the Taman Siswa Road Corridor. The purpose of this study was to assess the utilization of space commercial activity in the Taman Siswa road corridors and look for the cause of development of land in the region.

Segregación residencial en las principales ciudades chilenas: Tendencias de las tres últimas décadas y posibles cursos de acción

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2001

El patrón de segregación residencial de las ciudades chilenas se está transformando en dos sentidos principales: está cambiando su escala geográfica y está aumentando su malignidad. Estos cambios parecen estar afectando a la mayoría de las ciudades latinoamericanas. Están vinculados con las políticas de liberalización de los mercados de suelo y con los procesos de globalización económica y cultural de las últimas décadas.

Las leyes del suelo. A propósito de la propuesta de modificación y actualización del PRM-1994 de Santiago

Peer-reviewed publication
Marzo, 2015

The proposal for modification of the 1994 Metropolitan Plan for Santiago (PRMS) put forward by the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism (MINVU) at the beginning of 2008, allows us to reflect on the role of the land as a fundamental factor of urban activity and also as an element that remains as such through the whole process of property development, imposing its own “rules”.