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Act on combating Oil Pollution on Land of 1974.

Europa septentrional

This Act prescribes measures to prevent or combat oil pollution caused to soil, water and plant and animal life by the spillage of crude oil products derived from it, including waste. A person who stores large quantities of oil shall acquire equipment and materials to combat oil pollution. The Ministry of Environment shall be the main authority for purposes of this Act. The Act furthermore defines various duties of persons who manage or possess oil and local authorities in case of accidents involving oil and defines offences.

Law No. 4 of 1994 on Environment.

Asia occidental
África septentrional

This Law consisting of 65 articles divided in IV Parts and 10 Annexes aims at protecting the environment (land, air and water) from pollution. To achieve the objective the Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) is established for the protection and promotion of the environment.

Decree containing instructions for the Swedish Geological Survey Institute (SFS No. 2008:1233).

Europa septentrional

This Decree concerns the Swedish Geological Survey Institute, which shall be the administrative authority for matters regarding geological formation of Sweden and the handling of minerals.The Institute shall collect and elaborate information regarding the geological condition of the subsoil and mineral resources present in Sweden. It shall also carry out survey and research on groundwater and well-drilling and collaborate with other authorities in the field of groundwater quality, nature conservation and environment protection.

Ley Nº 1.689 - Ley de hidrocarburos.

América del Sur

La presente Ley tiene por objeto el marco normativo relativo a la propiedad y la concesión de los hidrocarburos, los cuales pertenecen al dominio directo, inalienable e imprescriptible del Estado (art. 1º). Dentro de los 50 km de las fronteras nacionales, ningún extranjero podrá adquirir ni poseer propiedades inmuebles por ningún título, con la excepción del caso de necesidad nacional declarada mediante ley expresa.

Revocado por: Ley Nº 3.058 - Ley de hidrocarburos. (2005-05-05)

Decree No. 120/08 regulating access to land and acquisition of land rights to perform petroleum operations.

África Central

This Decree, consisting of 6 Chapters, regulates access to land and acquisition of land rights in order to implement petroleum operations within public or private territory of Angola. It is divided as follows: General provisions (Chap. I); Cadastre (Chap. II); Coordination of interventions (Chap. III); Procedures for land right concession to perform petroleum operations (Chap. IV); Guarantees of the Title land right owner (Chap. V); Final provisions (Chap. VI).

Implements: Decree No. 58/07 approving the General Regulation for Land Concession. (2007-07-13)

Ministerial Decree No. 108 amending Ministerial Decree No. 962 regarding the sphere of competence of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

Europa oriental

Item 2 shall be amended to add the following phrase: “background concentration of oil products in soil shall be considered typical for background territory concentration of chemicals and components in soil.”

Amends: Ministerial Decree No. 962 regarding the sphere of competence of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. (2006-07-29)

Valuation of Land Act 1944.


The Act concerns the valuation of land for rating and taxing purposes, it consists of 101 sections and is divided into nine Parts. Part 3 is dedicated to valuation which is to be done by the chief executive. There are different types of valuations, including valuation for rental purposes (sect. 15), of mining leases (sect. 24), of petroleum leases (sect. 26) and valuation for community titles scheme (sect. 26A). Part 4 is dedicated to annual valuations and Part 5 to valuations rolls. Part 6 concerns notice of valuation (other than annual) and objections, while Part 6A covers appeals.

Addressing the impact of large-scale oil palm plantations on orangutan conservation in Borneo: A spatial, legal and political economy analysis

Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2017

Palm oil is one of the most controversial yet ubiquitous agricultural commodities in the world, used in everyday products ranging from cooking oil and chocolate to toothpaste and soap. Over the past few decades, the palm oil industry has contributed significantly to the economic development of Indonesia and Malaysia, which together produce an estimated 85 to 90 per cent of global supply.

Trends in global land use investment: implications for legal empowerment

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2017

From the mid-2000s, a commodity boom underpinned a wave of land use investments in low- and middle-income countries. While agribusiness, mining and petroleum concessions often involve promises of jobs and public revenues, they have also prompted concerns about land dispossession, exclusionary investment models and infringements of the rights of vulnerable groups. 

Addressing Land Governance in International Responsible Business Conduct Agreements

Manuals & Guidelines
Reports & Research
Enero, 2018

The study was commissioned to the KIT Royal Tropical Institute in July 2017 by the Land Dialogue, with financial support from the Dutch Government. The objective is to provide insight and guidance into the relevance of land governance as a possible priority theme t o be considered in the process of the International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC) Agreements.