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The Asia Foundation


Follow-on support to continue to build on the existing work of promoting the use of technology, such as drones and mobile applications, to improve the cost and efficiency of applying and processing land titles in Philippines. Goals include: (1) Incorporate mobile application into national Land Administration and Management System (LAMS) and support the government in smooth integration of the app for improved efficiency in the pre-titling process; (2) Promote drone-assisted surveys for titling through developing training modules and scaling the use of drones through pilots covering 1500 titles in both urban and rural areas; and (3) Conduct background research on key tenure related challenges in the Philippines, with particular reference to agriculture and forest tenure.

Responsible Land Policy in Cameroon


Reliable access to land plays a central role in food security and poverty reduction as well as for the sustainable use of natural resources. In contrast, poorly defined land use rights encourage conflicts between different population and land user groups and prevent investment in the conservation and restoration of biodiverse landscapes.

In Cameroon, the outdated legislation in need of reform does not allow adequate and affordable recognition of land use rights. Especially in rural areas, land use is mainly governed by customary regimes which are not systematically documented or legally recognized. Traditional land management is often based on collective rather than individual ownership. Women, young people and marginalised groups are especially disadvantaged in accessing land.


The project "Responsible Land Policy" (ProPFR) in Cameroon contributes to strengthening land use rights in the Centre Region, safeguarding the livelihoods of the rural population and at the same time promoting the protection and restoration of forest-rich landscapes. It supports sustainable access to land, particularly for women, young people and marginalised groups (e.g., Mbororo pastoralists and internally displaced persons), as well as in resolving land conflicts, especially of an agropastoral nature.

The project’s systematic approach aims to improve the documentation of individual and collective tenure and land use rights to forest, agricultural as well as pasture land, and their recognition by national, regional and local as well as traditional authorities. Furthermore, civil society and private sector actors are involved and strengthened in the implementation of responsible land policies.

Project objective

The access to land as an essential prerequisite for restoring and preserving forest landscapes and combating poverty and hunger in rural areas has improved for specific population groups, particularly women and marginalised groups, in the Centre Region of Cameroon.

The project aims to

  • improve the institutional framework and procedures for securing the rights of the rural population to use forests, agricultural and pasture land,
  • promoting the participation of civil society in formulating and implementing a responsible land policy,
  • improve the framework conditions for responsible private investment in the agroforestry and especially cocoa sector. 

LAND-at-scale Colombia- Land formalization through a Fit for Purpose approach in Indigenous and Afro-Colombian


In Colombia’s post-conflict context, access to land and tenure security are still a cause of many conflicts and inequalities. Especially Indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities are amongst the most vulnerable groups in Colombia. Their land tenure insecurity has a negative effect on the possibilities for livelihood improvements, and on the protection of natural resources within their territories. Project objective The project aims to contribute to filling the Multipurpose cadastre with information about land titles and natural resources of indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities, which is obtained in a fair, efficient and effective manner, and to create security for the communities to invest in sustainable income generating activities in those areas. Combining improved tenure security with income generating activities and protecting natural resources results in an integrated approach, tackling multiple issues at the same time. Project strategies - Improved tenure security through mapping 3 different communities using the Fit for Purpose method - Mapping possible income generating activities together with the communities and looking for external financing - Mapping natural resources together with the communities: how to protect or use them sustainably       - Share this integrated approach with government, donors, financial institutions throughout the project in order to guarantee upscaling and to improve the Multi-purpose Cadastre

Participatory Plantation Forestry Programme


The Programme aims to increase rural income in its target area, which consists of seven districts in the southern highlands. It will reduce poverty and inequality through developing sustainable plantation forestry and adding value to the entire forest product value chain, from quality seeds planted on the land to quality products sold in markets. To meet this aim, the Programme will support participatory and sustainable land use planning; facilitate organizing tree growers into Tree Growers’ Associations (TGAs); develop the capacity of tree growers; support plantation establishment and strengthen plantation management; strengthen extension and business services; and improve the production of industries, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) within the value chain. The Programme’s innovative approaches will be evaluated and its best practices disseminated widely within the sector. The main Programme activities are supporting smallholder forest plantations and assisting local wood industry enterprises in business development. The support is given as an extension as training services, as well as business incubation assistance. The Programme will also facilitate the broad development of forestry sector by facilitating dialogue among key stakeholders and by processing proposals for policy, legislative and business development.  

Western Sudan Resources Management Programme (WSRMP)


The programme aims to build up traditional rain-fed agriculture and improve economic conditions of 61,500 households in the three Kordofan states. The programme focuses on the importance of appropriate natural resource management and the access of poor households to productive services and fair terms of trade. On land and natural resource governance, the programme intends to develop a harmonised natural resources legislation passed and implemented for farmland, grazing land, forest land and water, addressing clear access and use rights and appeal and arbitration mechanisms. The programme further supports the mapping and demarcation of traditional stock routes, participatory GIS mapping and the foundation of Conflict Resolution Centres along stock routes.

Livestock Marketing and Resilience Programme (LMRP)


This programme aims to increase the food security, incomes and climate resilience of 100,000 poor households in livestock-based and pastoralist communities in selected localities in the five states of West Kordofan, North Kordofan, White Nile, Sennar and Blue Nile. On land and natural resource governance, the programme intends to complete the stock route network through demarcation and restoration and to officially register the delineated/restored routes. Furthermore these routes are planned to be linked to the State Range and Pasture Administration, which would take on the responsibility to maintain/monitor the investments and respond appropriately in case of violation/damage. Capacity building activities for rural community institutions are planned to sensitize leaders at grassroots level, particularly concerning land tenure issues in relation to gender and youth. Another possible field of intervention for this programme could be the creation of "Hemas", a traditional system of resource tenure, to conserve and manage sustainably rehabilitated rangelands through community agreements of social fencing.

Forest Land Use and Governance in Indonesia


The programme will address the challenges of deforestation and peat land degradation through investments to increase transparency and accountability, building capacity for spatial (land-use) planning, and engaging and mobilising the private sector in support of sustainable economic development. It does this by focusing on overcoming the critical governance failures for the sustainable management of forests and land-use

Agricultural Investments and Services Project (AISP)


The aim of the project was to improve the institutional and infrastructure environment for farmers and herders, with a strong emphasis on the livestock sector. Specifically, the project intended to increase the productivity of 61,000 farmers' households nationwide, particularly targeting livestock farmers, and reduce animal diseases that have a public health impact (e.g. brucellosis). With regard to land and natural resource governance, the project facilitated the development and adoption of the Pasture Law in 2009 by raising the awareness of decision makers and advising on legislative reforms. It further supported activities related to sustainable pasture management.

Livestock and Market Development Programme (LMDP)


The programme aims to increase livestock productivity in the regions of Issyk-Kul, Naryn Oblasts, Batken, Jalal-abad to enhance climate resilience reflected in improved and equitable returns to livestock farmers, directly benefiting 154,075 households. On land and natural resource governance, the programme aims to support legal and regulatory reforms as well as sustainable pasture management. It provides support for the collection of pasture user fees and for boundary demarcation. The programme has been fruitful and thus is being expanded to more regions and more households in the LMDP II.

Soum Son Seun Jai - Community-based Food Security and Economic Opportunities Programme


The programme aims to ensure food security and income for 17,000 rural poor households in 225 villages among nine districts in the Sayabouly and Oudomxay. Specifically by strengthening farmer's organisations to be able to promote the community-based natural resource management and through the adoption of the proposed technologies and improved access to water. With regard to land and natural resource governance, the programme intended to provide support for increasing ethic villagers' entitlements, for the management of communal lands and to help in implementing secure tenure rights for the communities to protect them against land grabbing.

Sustainable Natural Resource Management and Productivity Enhancement Project (SNRMP)


The project aims to enhance institutional capacity, at the provincial and national levels, to sustainably manage natural resource-based development and promote agricultural productivity in the areas of Salavan, Champasak, Attapu, Xekong and Savannakhet benefiting 11,250 households. Land and natural resource governance related activities provide support for the community based participatory land mapping and land use planning; for the land title issuance and information on rights and responsibilities related to land. It supports the Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Offices and the District Agriculture and Forestry Offices to better inform the villagers about their rights and land tenure security.