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EU-FAO Land Governance Programme


The project is working with coastal communities engaging in the clams fisheries by using an Open-Source Software such as Solutions for Open Land Administration (SOLA) & Open Tenure as an enabling technology to help protect tenure rights for the implementation of the VGGT.

Supporting Small-scale Food Producers' Organizations in the Promotion and Implementation of the Voluntary Guid


The grant is intended to make small scale food producers familiar with the Voluntary Guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests (VGGTs), and build up their capacity to create synergies and develop common strategies with regional human rights organisations and institutions in order to support the implementation of VGGT, but also to monitor the implementation at national level. The aim is to organize two regional capacity development workshops in Nicaragua and six national workshops in Mozambique (national partner: UNAC), two workshops in Argentina (national partner: MNCI) and two workshops in Nepal (national partner: ANPFA) for rural communities and members of organizations of small-scale food producers on the content of the VGGTs and on strategies on how to use them.

Butana Integrated Rural Development Project (BIRDP)


The project aims to improve in a sustainable manner the livelihoods and resilience to drought of 40,000 poor rural households in the region of Butana. Specifically it aims to establish an effective governance framework that ensures regulated access to land and water resources. It further aims to improve the access and bargaining position of women and men in the marketing of livestock and builds the capacity of community-based organizations to engage in environmentally sound, socially and gender equitable development initiatives. With regard to the goal of the establishment of the governance framework to ensure regulated access to land and water resources, the project intends to support the development of a herding, grazing and farming legislation to promote a regulated access regime to natural resources and provides a capacity building programme of community organization on communal land management.

Agropastoral Development and Local Initiatives Promotion Programme for the South-East (PRODESUD-II)


The programme, built upon the achievements of the first phase, aims to contribute to improved living conditions and rural poverty reduction, for 13,200 households in the Tataouine region, by: Improving the management and productivity of collective and private rangeland, and of rainfed and irrigated farming systems; by diversifying income sources and expanding employment opportunities for disadvantaged groups, including young people and women; and by empowering communities to take charge of their own development. On land and natural resource governance the programme is supporting the formation and networking of farmer's organization, M&E of measures to improve the management and productivity of collective and private rangeland. It further supports the communication and dissemination of knowledge regarding rangeland management activities.

Agro-pastoral Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (PEA)


The programme aims to support young people in creating and managing successful agro-pastoral businesses and to promote a policy, organizational and institutional framework conducive to the creation and development of agro-pastoral businesses among young people. The programme will directly benefit 10,000 households in four regions: Centre, South, Littoral and Northwest, accounting for about 40% of the youth population living in rural areas in Cameroon. It is expected that about 4,700 agro-pastoral businesses will be created and about 350 existing businesses will be further developed. On land and natural resource governance, the programme plans to work at the local and national level to provide youth, especially young rural women, with secure access to land, and also support all beneficiaries in obtaining property titles. It will work to this end with the Ministry in charge of land affairs and with local authorities. These actions will be accompanied by consultations between landowners and local administrative institutions and by sensitization campaigns and advocacy for a more favourable framework for access to land by young people. Ideally these will result in negotiations between landowners and land users, and in the signing of a property charter recognized and respected by all stakeholders.

Degraded Land Mapping for Kalimantan and Papua provinces


The project aims to ensure decision makers (in public and private sector) implement policies to support socially equitable oil palm expansion onto low- carbon degraded land and reduce conversion of forested areas. The programme will address critical governance questions around how to grant access to suitable land, how to revoke permits, how to change land status and how to involve local people in decisions where their rights are affected. On-the-ground community mapping will work with local people to evaluate what livelihood options exists in the area, and thus what is the best way to deliver a poverty-reducing forest management approach.

Improving governance of Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry in Indonesia


The project aims to support improvements to land use and forestry governance in Indonesia, through a combination of support to national and local governments, and civil society, informed by political economy analysis. It will offer capacity building and technical assistance to national and local governments, and support strategic coalitions of reformers at the local level, from civil society, government and the private sector, in demanding good governance. A research component will contribute political economy analysis of the local contexts in order to inform the approach. The programme will be carried out in four provinces in Indonesia which have abundant forest resources and complex land use and forestry problems, with the aim of improving the rule of law on land use and forestry and the recognition of community land rights.

Land Governance Improvement Project in Burundi


Contribute to better land management and governance of state lands. It was agreed with the stakeholders to focus this intervention on the surveying of state lands based on the orthophotomaps produced under the PPCDR. This methodology, which uses the Geographic Information System (GIS), has been used in Rwanda to carry out systematic land certification at the national level. It will soon be adapted to Burundi as part of a pilot project funded by the PPCDR in two municipalities in the province of Cankuzo, aimed at using orthophotos in the context of plot reconnaissance. The desired goal of this project is to open the door to a subsequent systematic recognition of the national territory, which is why the project will emphasize the appropriation of the project by the technical ministries concerned and, above all, the services of the National Cadastre, who will be equipped and whose skills will be strengthened. In addition, the complex nature of land disputes in Burundi requires that the registration of state lands be accompanied by measures aiming at the same time to resolve any land disputes. This aspect will be taken into account in a more important way within the framework of the action. The project aims at contributing to a better management of public lands, mitigating the risk of conflict, enhancing the access to land for vulnerable parts of the population and improving production and economic development in Burundi. As agreed with various stakeholders, the project will focus its activities on creating a state-owned land cadastre system based on the orthophotoplan products in the PPCDR. With the help of Geographic Information System (GIS) methodology, systematic registration of state-owned lands will be achieved. The systematic recording of public lands is especially necessary with regards to the complex nature of land conflicts in Burundi and will be accompanied by parallel measures of conflict resolution for potential conflicts over land.

Forest Sector Support Program (PASF)


PASF supports the rural sector program PNSR through the Ministry of Environment. Focus is on forestry, climate change adaptation, institutional reform, institutional capacity building, capacity building of non-governmental actors as well as the set-up of the national fund "Fonds d'Intervention pour l'Environnement (FIE)".

Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI)


The purpose of the RFGI is to have representative local forest governance and responsible natural resource management improved in at least 10 country-based landscapes in Africa, supported with handbooks for the design and improvement of accountable and responsive local forest-governance processes. The expected results from phase I are mainly new knowledge, a set of forest governance handbooks, and increased analytical capacity in forest (environmental) governance in the region