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Issues Forest Tenure related Project
Displaying 181 - 192 of 245

Co-management Amazon Peru


The effects of climate change and the advanced deforestation in the Amazon region pose a threat to the livelihood of the local population and biodiversity. Protection efforts in communal reserves have had little success to date because the indigenous communities were not involved in the protection measures. The project’s objective is to further develop the co-management approach and implement it in selected communal reserves for indigenous communities. To achieve this objective, there will be interventions in four areas: 1. Developing co-management concepts and capacities; 2. Protecting biodiversity and forests; 3. Sustainable use; 4. Information and knowledge management.

Community Based Integrated Natural Resources Management Project (CBINRMP)


The project aims to enhance the access of poor rural people to natural resources such as land and water, and to introduce improved technologies for agricultural production, mainly through sustainable land management. The project targets the Lake Tana watershed benefiting 450,000 households, it establishes and strengthens community-based organizations involving them in decision making, and promotes off-farm employment opportunities. On land and natural resource governance, the project supports the Community-Based Resource Management (CBRM) giving communities the lead role in watershed planning and management. It provides support for land administration, certification and registration; and rehabilitation of degraded lands. Motivators for community participation will include training, access to secure land rights, the right to manage and exploit common assets and increased use of indigenous knowledge, practices and institutions for natural resource management. The project ensures also access to land and security of tenure to women heads of households.

Heart of Borneo' Forest Conservation Initiative, Succow Foundation Portion/Restoration of Peatswamp Forests in


The project objective is to conserve forests as natural carbon stores and to establish carbon sinks through reforestation in the province of West Kalimantan. Working in collaboration with a forestry operation in the boundary zone of the national park, the project seeks to identify forest areas highly worthy of preservation and to designate these zones protected areas. Degraded forest areas between Betung Kerihun and Danau Sentarum National Parks that hitherto have been separated are to be rejoined through reforestation efforts at the community level. The project supports the capacities of governmental and non-governmental actors in their endeavours to develop and implement local REDD demonstration measures in Indonesia.

Sustainable Forest Management in the Congo Basin - Environmental Foundation TNS.


As part of the development cooperation program "Sustainable Forest Management in the Congo Basin", the FC module contributes to the better protection and sustainable use of forest resources in the Congo Basin.

Technical Assistance to Land Use and Economic Development of Niayes Region


This project supports the Government of Senegal in developing a land use development plan for the Great Coast of Senegal (Niayes region). The plan is expected to serve as a land use management and development plan for an area that is one of the most agriculturally productive and highly sensitive environmentally. The plan also aims to support decision-making by Senegalese authorities in the long-term economic development of the agriculture, agroforestry, and forestry sectors, while taking into account environmental and land issues.

Introduction of voluntary land consolidation in Ukraine in the context of opening land market, and as an instr


The aim of the project was to introduce a voluntary land-consolidation approach in line with the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT). During the project FAO reviewed two versions of a draft Law on land consolidation prepared by StateGeoCadaster (SGC) and provided legal recommendations and advice how to review the drafts in line with best international practices and VGGT principles such as a key principle in land consolidation that participants should be at least as well off after the schemes as before. The legal advice provided was fully relying on the VGGT, and respecting the European Convention on Human Rights and the Human Rights the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). The Project contributed to SDG 1.4, 2.3, 5.A and 8.3 and emphasized the role of efficient farm structure and the land markets in attaining aforementioned SDG goals and at country level contributed to VGGT implementation. In addition to legal advise, a Feasibilty Study on in two communities was conducted to assess the demand and feasibility of land consolidation among the landowners and other stakeholders. A Concept Note was prepared outlinining the proposed approach for the implementation of the next steps towards a National Land Consolidation Programme in Ukraine including land consolidation pilots before scaling up to a national programme when the agricultural land market is opened. Finally, a guest lecture at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBiP) about the VGGT, FAO land consolidation programme and the work conducted in Ukraine was delivered for master and PHD programmes’ students.

Emergency Food Security and Rural Development Programme (EFSRDP / PUSADER)


The aim of the programme was to support the improvement of food security of approximately 121,000 households in the most food-insecure rural areas in the regions of Tahoua, Maradi and Tillabery, by restoring and developing their production capacity. The programme gives special attention to poor farmer and herder households that are highly exposed to recurrent food and livestock crises in the three targeted regions by developing and re-vegetating 400 ha of land and creating two grazing paths of about 90 km in the department of Aguié in the Maradi region. The programme supported the development of two pastoral areas of 300 ha in the department of Madarounfa (Maradi region) and the rehabilitation of 3000 ha of degraded lands. Land and natural resource governance related interventions provided support for negotiations of social agreements by which the owners were willing to allocate parcels to the most vulnerable groups. In the Maradi region this type of land agreements allow women's access to arable land.

Technical assitance to Environment Ministry to implement the VGGT for natural resources responsible management


The project aims at supporting the ministry of environment to implement the new organic code of environment for its aspect on tenure in line with VGGT to recognize, map and register tenure rights in protected areas while contributing to biodiversity protection, reducing tenure insecurity and social conflicts.

Regional programme to improve governance of tenure in Latin America and the Caribbean


The project aims at improving governance of tenure in the region by promoting research and policy dialogue on (i) access to land; (ii) monitoring governance; (iii) improving land administration; (iv) articulating public policies to ensure territorial development.

Sunamganj Community-Based Resource Management Project (SCBRMP)


The aim of the project was to increasing assets and income of 90.000 households in Sunamganj district by diversifying livelihood and employment opportunities. The objectives were to improve access to essential services and resources, including credit and to support the development of a viable national institution to replicate the project approach in other areas of Bangladesh. With regard to land and natural resource governance, the project intended to demarcate wetland and conservation areas, support reforestation measures and grant leases to 293 Beels (wetland) and other user groups.

Albanian-Norwegian hydrographic information project (ALNO_HIP)


The project will contribute to competence and capacity building for the Albanian Hydrographic Service (AHS) and the Military Geographical Institute (MIG). Both institutes are led by the Ministry of Defense. AHS is responsible for depth mapping and navigational marking (buoys, lights, etc.). Sea measurement activities are currently underfunded, with a lack of equipment and usable boats. Activities The Norwegian Mapping Authority is assisting AHS with the acquisition of multibeam solutions for processing and management of data. The project will also provide for the education of hydrographs, as well as the procurement and installation of two tide gauges. MGI is responsible for the production of sea and land maps, as well as the national geodetic network. MIG has a lot of good skills, but lacks modern equipment. Much of the support for this institute will be acquisition of production systems for ENCs and paper charts. Necessary upgrades to the network, server capacity and workstations will be included. A "production line" will be established that includes both institutes.