Institute for Planetary Security
Promoting peace and cooperation in a changing climate.
Promoting peace and cooperation in a changing climate.
Organización sin fines de lucro, con base en Argentina y trabajo territorioal en América del Sur. Impulsamos y acompañamos procesos territoriales y comunitarios, potenciando redes y acciones que promocionan el pleno ejercicio de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales desde la justicia ambiental y de género
ENI Argentina busca alcanzar cambios en políticas públicas, agendas y prácticas que garanticen el acceso, uso y gestión de la tierra, el agua y otros recursos naturales para las organizaciones campesinas e indígenas, mujeres y jóvenes de la región del Chaco argentino.
Desde febrero de 2018, las cuatro organizaciones miembro de la Coalición Internacional por la Tierra (ILC) en el país –Fundapaz, Fundación Plurales, Redes Chaco y Federación Agraria– se unieron para impulsar la ENI Argentina.
The Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW) helps communities speak out for clean air, clean water, and a healthy planet. We are a global alliance of attorneys, scientists and other advocates collaborating across borders to promote grassroots efforts to build a sustainable, just future.
International Rivers protects rivers and defends the rights of communities that depend on them.
We seek a world where healthy rivers and the rights of local river communities are valued and protected. We envision a world where water and energy needs are met without degrading nature or increasing poverty, and where people have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives.
Agricultural Systems is an international journal that deals with interactions - among the components of agricultural systems, among hierarchical levels of agricultural systems, between agricultural and other land use systems, and between agricultural systems and their natural, social and economic environments. Manuscripts submitted to Agricultural Systems generally should include both of the following:
AGRICULTURA TROPICA ET SUBTROPICA (ATS) is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal published under the authorization of Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU) and managed by the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies,
- an independent, educational, research and scientific academic body of MENDELU.
Inter-réseaux Développement rural est né en 1996 de la fusion de plusieurs réseaux thématiques sur le développement rural dont « Groupements, associations villageoises organisations paysannes » (GAO), « Recherche-Développement » et « Stratégies Alimentaires ».
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is the global standard to promote the open and accountable management of oil, gas and mineral resources.
The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century – the geopolitical consequences are substantial. As things stand, we are on course for a much warmer world. The repercussions for our foreign policy agenda are significant and therefore a stronger role for foreign policy in international climate policy is called for – namely through climate diplomacy.
Belgeo est la seule revue scientifique nationale de géographie en Belgique. Au-delà des articles thématiques ou de réflexion, la revue a pour objectif de couvrir les grandes questions géographiques, les problèmes européens et mondiaux ainsi que les problèmes nationaux. Belgeo permet également la propagation des résultats de recherches menées par des géographes belges, souvent à la jonction des approches anglo-saxonne et latine, et ouvre ses pages aux derniers développements tant en géographie humaine que physique.