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Displaying 1981 - 1992 of 3659

Ley Nº 8.936 - Ley de conservación y protección de los suelos.

América del Sur

La presente Ley establece el marco normativo relativo a: a) la conservación y control de la capacidad productiva de los suelos; b) la prevención de todo proceso de degradación de los suelos; c) la recuperación de los suelos degradados; y d) la promoción de la educación conservacionista del suelo. Estas disposiciones se aplican a todos los suelos rurales del territorio provincial, de propiedad pública o privada. En cuanto al marco constitucional, se prevé la conformación del Consejo de Protección de los Suelos (art. 4º).

Law No. 2.689 on selling, legitimacy of occupation and concession of right of use for rural public lands belonging to the Federal District and to the Rural Estate Company of Brasília TERRACAP.

América del Sur

This Law, consisting of 23 articles, establishes the legal regime for the on selling, legitimacy of occupation and concession of right of use for rural public lands and occupied territories belonging to the Federal District and to the Rural Estate Company of Brasília TERRACAP. It specifies that the Federal District and TERRACAP are authorized to the above mentioned activities related to rural public lands, which will be harmonised, according to the National Plan of the Agrarian Reform and to the Agricultural Policy, as established by the Federal Constitution.

Regional Law No. 8-ZKO “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Europa oriental

This Regional Law regulates turnover of agricultural land with a view of conservation of precious productive agricultural land. It establishes minimum agricultural land areas resulting from land consolidation for open land - 1 ha, for areas under glass - 0,05 ha. Minimum agricultural land area for drained and irrigated agricultural land shall not be less than 100 ha. Maximum agricultural land area that can be owned by a single natural or legal person within the boundaries of a single municipal unit shall not exceed 10 percent of total available agricultural land area.

Decreto Nº 84/02 - Ley de adjudicación de bienes inmuebles propiedad del Estado a favor de familias en situación de pobreza y extrema pobreza.

América central

La presente Ley tiene por objeto la adjudicación y venta de fincas o fracciones de fincas urbanas o rurales inscritas en los Registros de Propiedad a nombre del Estado a favor de familias en situación de pobreza o extrema pobreza que las ocupen. La Ley define el procedimiento administrativo a seguir, desde la solicitud hasta el traslado del dominio, especificando los requisitos con que deben cumplir las familias beneficiarias.

Ley de Desarrollo Agrario (Texto codificado).

América del Sur

La presente codificación de la Ley de Desarrollo Agrario, tiene por objeto el fomento, desarrollo y protección integrales del sector agrario que garantice la alimentación de todos los ecuatorianos e incremente la exportación de excedentes, en el marco de un manejo sustentable de los recursos naturales y del ecosistema.El fomento, desarrollo y protección del sector agrario se efectuará mediante el establecimiento de las siguientes políticas: 1) Política de capacitación integral al indígena, al montubio, al afroecuatoriano y al campesino en general, para que mejore sus conocimientos relativos

Law No. 9244 on agricultural land protection.

Europa meridional

The objective of this Law is: (i) to determine the principles, the rules and the institutions relevant to the sustainable protection and improvement of agricultural land, giving particular regard to soil fertility; (ii) to harmonize rights and benefits of agricultural land ownership with the responsibilities for its sustainable use; (iii) to protect and rehabilitate agricultural land from adverse effects caused by harmful impact of climate and human factors.

Law of the People's Republic of China on the Contracting of Rural Land.

Asia oriental

This Law has been formulated in accordance with the Constitution for the purpose of stabilizing and perfecting the two-level operation system, which is based the responsibility system of contracting by households supplemented by unified management, entitling the peasants to a long-term and guaranteed right to the use of land, protecting the legal rights and interests of the parties of the contracting of rural land, so as to improve the development of agriculture and the rural economy and stabilize the rural areas.

Land Code.

Asia central

The present Land Code regulates land relations and is aimed at the creation of conditions for rational land tenure and soil conservation, reproduction of soil fertility, conservation and improvement of environment for the purpose of the equal development of all forms of economic activity. Land is the property of the state. Citizens have the right to allocation of a plot of land terms and conditions of which shall be determined by the present Act (art. 2).

Law No. 8318 on Leasing Agricultural and Forest Land, Pastures and Meadows which are covered in the State Property Law 1995.

Europa meridional

This Law provides for the leasing of public agricultural and forest land. It consists of 18 articles establishing the procedures for leasing of such lands to citizens and contains rules relative to the lease and the conditions attached to lease including obligations of the lessee. 'Land' here means the land that is property of the State, classified in the fond of agriculture and forest land, pastures and meadows (art. 2).

Law on the restoration of the rights of ownership of citizens to the existing Real Property (No. VIII-359).

Europa septentrional

This Law shall regulate the procedure and conditions of the restoration as well as the recognition of continuity of the restoration of the rights of ownership to the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania to the real property which was nationalised under the laws of the USSR (Lithuanian SSR), or which was otherwise unlawfully made public, and the restoration of the rights of ownership whereof has been initiated according to the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Procedure and Conditions of Restoration of the Rights of Ownership to the Existing Real Property, while evaluating the establi