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Ley Nº 29.802 - Modifica la Ley Nº 28.923, Régimen temporal extraordinario de formalización y titulación de predios urbanos informales.

América del Sur

La presente Ley amplía la vigencia del Régimen Extraordinario al Organismo de Formalización de la Propiedad Informal (COFOPRI), exonera el pago de tasas u otros cobros y otorga facultades excepcionales en materia de formalización en las zonas afectadas por los sismos del 15 de agosto de 2007.

Mines and Minerals Act (No. 4 of 2011).

África austral

This Act, among other things, recognizes the Minerals Management Board as established by section 214 of the Constitution and provides rules relative to exploration and exploitation of minerals in Swaziland. The Act defines functions and powers of the Board, establishes an office of the Commissioner of Mines and defines functions of the Commissioner of Mines. A distinction is made between small-scale and large-scale operations for the purposes of this Act.

Código orgánico de organización territorial, autonomía y descentralización (COOTAD).

América del Sur

El presente Código Orgánico de organización territorial, autonomía y descentralización (COOTAD), establece la organización político-administrativa del Estado ecuatoriano en el territorio; el régimen de los diferentes niveles de gobiernos autónomos descentralizados y los regímenes especiales, con el fin de garantizar su autonomía política, administrativa y financiera.

Loi sur les forêts et la protection contre les catastrophes naturelles (LFCN).

Europa occidental

La présente loi a pour buts d’exécuter la législation forestière fédérale, de désigner les autorités d’application et de fixer leurs compétences. Elle vise également: a) à favoriser une gestion optimale des forêts; b) à promouvoir l’utilisation du bois d’origine indigène; c) à assurer un traitement sylvicole adapté aux conditions naturelles et aux fonctions de la forêt.

Agricultural Tenancies Act 1990.


Objects of this Act are inter alia: (a) to encourage agricultural landowners and their tenants and sharefarmers to make suitable and adequate provision to protect properties from deterioration; (b) to permit and encourage the parties to make their own agreements regarding compensation for stored products, for tenants' fixtures and other matters; (c) to provide basic provisions between the parties where they fail to make their own agreement, or where their agreement is unreasonable; (d) to provide for compulsory arbitration outside the court system for resolving by an arbitration committee a

High Hedges Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (2011 Cap. 21).

Reino Unido
Europa septentrional

This Act introduces a system to encourage high hedge problem issues to be resolved through neighbourly discussion or mediation, and failing that, the facility for persons alleging that they are suffering a loss of the reasonable enjoyment of their property due to a neighbouring evergreen/semi-evergreen high hedge to lodge a formal complaint with their local council. The council will be acting as an independent and impartial third party.

Loi n°1/01 du 04 janvier 2011 portant révision de la loi n°1/17 du 04 septembre 2009 portant missions, composition, organisation et fonctionnement de la commission nationale des terres et autres biens.

África oriental

La présente loi porte missions, composition, organisation et fonctionnement de la Commission nationale des terres et autres biens. Le mandat de la Commision de réhabiliter les sinistrés se dédouble en deux tâches principales: connaître les litiges relatifs aux terres et aux autres biens des sinistrés et récupérer les terres domaniales irrégulièrement attribuées. Aux termes de l'article 4 de la loi celle-ci « a pour mandat de connaître les litiges relatifs aux terres et autres biens opposant les sinistrés à des tiers ou à des services publics ou privés ».

Land Tenants (Security of Tenure) Act (Cap. 59:54).

Trinidad y Tabago

This Act concerns rights of persons entitled in possession to land under a contract of tenancy whether express or implied. It provides protection of such rights. It does not apply to a tenancy of agricultural land.The Act provides for conversion of tenancies to which this Act applies subsisting immediately before the appointed day shall as from the appointed day in a statutory lease for the purposes of this Act. It also provides for an option to purchase the land under tenancy by the tenant.

Regional Law No. 68-ZS amending Regional Law No. 8-ZS “On regulation of some issues related to turnover of agricultural land”.

Europa oriental

Article 3.1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Dispute settlement related to dimensions of agricultural land area and location of the boundaries thereof shall be resolved in court”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 8-ZS “On regulation of some issues related to turnover of agricultural land”. (2007-07-10)

Crown Proceedings Act.

América Septentrional

This Act concerns civil proceedings against the Crown and concerns liability of the Crown. As for relief that may be obtained from the Crown, in any proceedings against the Crown for the recovery of land or other property the court shall not make an order for the recovery of the land or for the delivery of the property, but may in lieu thereof make an order declaring that the plaintiff is entitled against the Crown to the land or property or to the possession thereof.

Alienated Lands Act (Cap. 145).


This Act makes provision for the registration of alienators having the right to negotiate negotiation of alienation of land of custom owners and the registration of mortgages on alienated land. Furthermore the Act provides for various matters relative to negotiation of land and consequences of alienation. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Land Reform Act, Cap. 123, the Minister shall cause a register of alienators to be kept (sect. 2) and if the Minister is satisfied that an applicant under section 3 is an alienator he shall register him as such in the Register.