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Land Tribunal Act (No. 4 of 2014).

Enero, 2014

This Act concerns the establishment, functioning, and jurisdiction of the Land Tribunal. The Tribunal may consist of one or more divisions as the Minister may consider necessary to constitute, each headed by a Land Tribunal President. The Minister shall appoint the Chief Land Tribunal President. A Land Tribunal shall have jurisdiction to - (a) hear and determine a land dispute brought to its attention; (b) hear appeals and review decision of a public body concerning land.

Historia de los conflictos interétnicos por el territorio en Chocó y Norte del Cauca. Su incidencia en la política de restitución de tierras, 2011

Journal Articles & Books
Enero, 2014

El presente artículo da cuenta de las relaciones entre indígenas y comunidades negras en la zona del Norte del Cauca (San Rafael y Monte Teta) y del Norte del Chocó (Unguía), enfocándose en las situaciones de conflicto por el territorio; ello con el objetivo de demostrar que los grupos étnicos no son homogéneos ni presentan un estado de inercia en el tiempo.

On the margin: Kenya’s pastoralists. From displacement to solutions, a conceptual study on the internal displacement of pastoralists

Enero, 2014

Pastoralism is a global phenomenon. In Africa, where 66 per cent of is used for pastoral production, it is recognised as part of the continent’s cultural heritage. More than just a means of production, it is a way of life intrinsically linked to the identity of the individuals and communities that practise it. Given their traditionally nomadic lifestyle, the fact that pastoralists can become internally displaced is often overlooked. Some even question whether it can happen at all.

Zambia: Conversions of Customary Land to Leasehold Title

Reports & Research
Diciembre, 2013

Zambia recognizes two types of land tenure: customary and leasehold tenure. While historically the majority of land in Zambia has been held under customary tenure, leases (also called leasehold titles) are the only legal means of holding land rights. In 1995, a new Land Act was passed, which makes it easier for investors to acquire leasehold titles to customary land. When an investor obtains a leasehold title to customary land, the customary land reverts to the state once the lease expires and is thereafter governed by statute.

Customary Law and the Protection of Community Rights to Resources

Manuals & Guidelines
Diciembre, 2013

We believe that law should in principle assist vulnerable communities in changing power relations. Law is fundamentally a ‘neutral’ set of rules that constrains power by requiring decisions and actions of those in power to comply with legal rules, rights and obligations. Unfortunately, we have seen the powerful appropriate law as a tool for only protecting and strengthening their interests.

Movilidad electoral 2006-2012 en el Estado de México

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

La investigación es sobre la movilidad electoral de las elecciones federales en el Estado de México de 2006, 2009, 2012. El objetivo es encontrar a través de los triunfos y derrotas de los partidos políticos en los 40 distritos federales, los distritos alineados, los desplazamientos, los reposicionamientos y, eventualmente, la volatilidad electoral.

Displacement and dispossession through land grabbing in Mozambique: the limits of international and national legal instruments — Refugee Studies Centre

Diciembre, 2013

The scale and speed of coordinated land grabs over the past five years has created a new avenue through which people are being displaced and dispossessed of their lands.  This paper looks at what limits international and national law in addressing displacement and dispossession due to land grabs in Mozambique.

Contested aquaculture development in the protected mangrove forests of the Kapuas estuary, West Kalimantan

Peer-reviewed publication
Diciembre, 2013

Indonesia comprises more mangroves than any other country, but also exhibits some of the highest mangrove loss rates worldwide. Most of these mangrove losses are caused by aquaculture development. Monetary valuation of the numerous ecosystem services of mangroves may contribute to their conservation.