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National Development Plan 2014 - 2016.

National Policies
Diciembre, 2013

This NDP is a 3-year nationwide document aiming at (i) building a sovereign State; (ii) consolidating its control over the natural resources; (iii) developing the Area C, particularly Jordan Valley, as well as East Jerusalem and Gaza; (iv) boosting the economy; (v) enhancing the private sector's ability to build its productive capacity and its capacity to create jobs; and (vi) increasing efficiency and sustainability of quality services.Main pillars at the basis of the NDP, compared to previous policies, are (i) a more participatory approach; (ii) mainstream gender equality throughout plann

Política Nacional de Desarrollo. K’atun Nuestra Guatemala 2032.

National Policies
Diciembre, 2013

La Política Nacional de Desarrollo es el instrumento estratégico de largo plazo, vigente hasta el 2032, que le da respaldo político institucional a la operatividad del K’atun introducido mediante el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo K’atun: nuestra Guatemala 2032, adoptado en 2014. Esta política tiene por finalidad institucionalizar las acciones y procesos para el desarrollo, con una visión de largo plazo y permitirá dar seguimiento, así como evaluar las acciones de política y los impactos. El documento consta de tres Partes. La Parte 1 define el marco conceptual y normativo.


Training Resources & Tools
Diciembre, 2013
África subsahariana

Land is a vital resource that sustains livelihoods across Sub-Saharan Africa, but also one that is heavily prone to corruption. Every second citizen in Africa has been affected by land corruption in recent years, according to a study by Transparency International.

Governing land for women and men: A technical guide to support the achievement of responsible gender-equitable governance of land tenure

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2013

This technical guide on Governing land for women and men aims to assist implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (FAO, 2012b) by providing guidance that supports the Guidelines’ principle of gender equality in tenure governance. At the beginning of each module, reference is made to the relevant provisions in the Guidelines.

Impacts of Climate Change on Land Use Patterns and Livelihoods of Pastoralists and Hunter Gathers

Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2013

Over the years, PINGOs Forum has been concerned with the future of Pastoral and HunterGatherer communities with regard to changing patterns of traditional land use and livelihoods options. The information gathered from the past studies have risen much concern on the side of PINGOs Forum that perhaps climate change may have a serious bearing in the land use patterns and livelihoods of Pastoralists and Hunter-gatherers. As a result of this concern, PINGOs Forum decided to embark on a study to observe changes that have occurred in land use patterns in recent years.


Reports & Research
Noviembre, 2013
Asia meridional

January 14, 2014 — This study analyzing the impact of the Girls Project, a pilot program designed and implemented by a partnership between the Indian government and Landesa, has found that participating girls are more likely to: stay in school longer, marry later, inherit land, and have an economic asset in their name.

Customary Land Ownership and Gender Disparity. Evidence from the Wa Municipality of Ghana

Journal Articles & Books
Noviembre, 2013

Studies draw attention to gender inequalities in land tenure. While some insist that gender inequalities in land tenure exists others do not. This paper discusses a study that examined gender issues in customary land ownership in the Wa Municipality. It sought to understand and find ways of bridging the gender gaps, if any. A survey covering 151 respondents comprising Chiefs, Tendamba, women and family heads was undertaken. The research revealed significant disparities between men and women regarding access to and ownership of land.

Segregación de género en la asignación de derechos al agua en los sistemas de riego campesino en Chiapas, México

Journal Articles & Books
Octubre, 2013

Se analiza la forma en que se expresa y recrea la discriminación de género en los procesos de adopciónde decisiones sobre la asignación de derechos de agua en el Distrito de Riego 101 Cuxtepeques, localizadoen la cuenca del río Grijalva, en Chiapas, al sur de México. Se destaca la relevante participación de lasmujeres campesinas propietarias de tierra, tanto en la producción agropecuaria y en las labores de riego,como en la subsistencia de sus hogares en su calidad de jefas de familia.

Women’s empowerment and nutrition: An evidence review

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2013

This paper starts by reflecting on the concept and measurement of women’s empowerment and then reviews some of the structural interventions that aim to influence underlying gender norms in society and eradicate gender discrimination. It then proceeds to review the evidence of the impact of three types of interventions—cash transfer programs, agricultural interventions, and microfinance programs—on women’s empowerment, nutrition, or both.

Programa de Gobierno Michelle Bachelet 2014-2018.

National Policies
Septiembre, 2013

Este Programa de Gobierno Michelle Bachelet 2014-2018, al abordar las desigualdades que hay en el país y al realizar una reforma estructural en la educación, busca también generar las condiciones para mantener el crecimiento económico. Este es el primer paso para asegurar una economía más competitiva, con una mayor productividad y más innovadora. La realidad chilena impone la necesidad de una Nueva Agenda de Género basada en los derechos, igualdad y autonomía de las mujeres, impulsada por una institucionalidad renovada y de mayor rango.

Bio-reclamation – Converting degraded lateritic soils into productive land

Journal Articles & Books
Julio, 2013

Not only has soil degradation in Niger been halted thanks to an integrated approach combining water harvesting technologies, the application of organic residues and planting of fruit trees and vegetables. The strategy has also enabled increases in farmers’ income as well as an active involvement of the country’s largely marginalised women in food production through their gaining access to land.