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Article 6 of Law No. 8505 specifies that "outside urbanized territories construction is allowed only when new facility has been included in a regional study and master plans approved by appropriate institution. Regional studies and master plans shall be compiled excluding agricultural land…


This Decree regulates the Regional Management Plan for Douro River area (PROZED). It consists of 6 chapters and 1 table establishing the objectives of the said Plan, which shall be drawn-up in order to: a) establish a strategy for the natural resource development and explotation within this area…


A real property that has been assessed as an agricultural unit which is owned by 3 or more persons is rules by provisions as laid down in sections 2 to 6 of the present Act relative to common ownership rights. An agreement between owners, which is in contravention with these provisions, shall be…


This Act imposes the obligation to provide information on operations for persons who operate in agriculture and forestry and traders in commodities as defined in section 1. These persons shall provide information on means of production, farming, and use of land and use of energy as specified in…


This Law gives to the State the right to expropriate or use temporarily real estate for public purposes. The State can expropriate in the following cases: for programmes and investments foreseen in international agreements; programmes and investments with national interest, such as: transports,…


This Act regulates the manufacture, processing and importation of fertilizers for marketing purposes. It does not apply to sewage sludge, "technically unprocessed natural fertilizers" , etc. (sect. 1).The text consists of 31 sections divided into 7 Chapters: General part (I);…


Ce décret fixe les modalités de mise en application des dispositions de prévention et de lutte contre les termites et les autres insectes xylophages, prévues par la loi du 8 juin 1999 et organisées par les pouvoirs publics en vue de protéger les bâtiments. Les principales mesures de prévention…


Ce décret modifie le décret nº 55-1350 du 14 octobre 1955 modifié pris pour l'application du décret nº 55-22 du 4 janvier 1955 portant réforme de la publicité foncière, et notamment les dispositions relatives aux demandes de renseignements concernant les immeubles.
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This Act regulates the granting of permission for the acquisition of small dwellings and agricultural units. A permission is not required by residents of the same county in which the property to be acquired lies and in the other circumstances in section 1. The permission to acquire land shall be…


This Act makes provision for the taxation of ownership of private land. The annual rate of land tax shall be one and a half percent of the "cost" (not defined) of the land. In the case of forest land the value of trees shall not be included. Tax reliefs for land in protective forest…


This Order regulates the Programme for drainage and soil conservation, under the Portuguese Programme for Agricultural Development (PEDAP). It consists of 16 articles establishing the provisions designed to protect soil from erosion, under the aforementioned Agricultural Programme by the…


Le présent décret modifie les dispositions du chapitre II du titre Ier du livre Ier de la deuxième partie (Réglementaire) du Code rural, relatives au document de gestion de l'espace agricole et forestier, élaboré à l'initiative du préfet du département, et aux zones agricoles protégées…