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Community Organizations United Nations Human Settlements Programme
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
United Nations Agency


UN-Habitat is the United Nations programme working towards a better urban future.

Its mission is to promote socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements development and the achievement of adequate shelter for all. Cities are facing unprecedented demographic, environmental, economic, social and spatial challenges. There has been a phenomenal shift towards urbanization, with 6 out of every 10 people in the world expected to reside in urban areas by 2030. Over 90 per cent of this growth will take place in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. In the absence of effective urban planning, the consequences of this rapid urbanization will be dramatic. In many places around the world, the effects can already be felt: lack of proper housing and growth of slums, inadequate and out-dated infrastructure – be it roads, public transport, water, sanitation, or electricity – escalating poverty and unemployment, safety and crime problems, pollution and health issues, as well as poorly managed natural or man-made disasters and other catastrophes due to the effects of climate change. Mindsets, policies, and approaches towards urbanization need to change in order for the growth of cities and urban areas to be turned into opportunities that will leave nobody behind. UN-Habitat, the United Nations programme for human settlements, is at the helm of that change, assuming a natural leadership and catalytic role in urban matters. Mandated by the UN General Assembly in 1978 to address the issues of urban growth, it is a knowledgeable institution on urban development processes, and understands the aspirations of cities and their residents. For close to forty years, UN-Habitat has been working in human settlements throughout the world, focusing on building a brighter future for villages, towns, and cities of all sizes. Because of these four decades of extensive experience, from the highest levels of policy to a range of specific technical issues, UN-Habitat has gained a unique and a universally acknowledged expertise in all things urban. This has placed UN-Habitat in the best position to provide answers and achievable solutions to the current challenges faced by our cities. UN-Habitat is capitalizing on its experience and position to work with partners in order to formulate the urban vision of tomorrow. It works to ensure that cities become inclusive and affordable drivers of economic growth and social development.



Displaying 221 - 225 of 226

Reforestation: Bringing the Trees Back to Life


Deforestation is a global issue that is having increasingly larger effects on the world every day. It contributes 10% to climate change and global warming, which is why a large number of our efforts are going towards preserving large forest areas as well as reforesting the areas that have been effected to try a minimise the effects. By doing this we can combat land degradation, minimise natural disasters and preserve critical natural habitats.

Tanzania Land Tenure Support Programme


The Tanzania Land Tenure Support Programme, aims at building a basis for resolving the issues that constrain the contribution of the Tanzania's land sector in achieving the country broader development goals. The programme is expected to achieve results that will improve the transparency and efficiency of land governance and administration. In the next three years, the programme shall establish a roadmap for long term support to the land sector that will contribute to implement the revised Strategic Plan for Implementation of Land Laws - SPILL. During the three years period the key focus will be to implement the three major activities : 1. Enhancing transparency and benefits of large scale land deals through providing information on land tenure and possible benefit-sharing models; 2. Policy and institutional development to reach consensus on interpreting and implementing the existing legal and policy framework, clarify institutional roles and mandates, improve institutional interaction and improve dispute settlement procedures; and 3. Land tenure regularization (LTR) in two pilot districts, based on refined, low cost methodology and more accurate information. A Team of International and National Experts will managed the programme, through a Programme implementing Unit with defined guidance from Operational Management Manual.


Transparent and accountable land governance and effective land administration systems in Tanzania (Pilot in 3 Districts of Kilombero, Ulanga and Malinyi). -Transparency and benefits of large land deals -Policy and institutional development -Regularisation of land tenure in pilot districts 

LAND-at-scale Somalia: Saameynta – Scaling-up Solutions to Displacement in Somalia


Somalia has over 2.9 million Internally Displaced People (IDPs) following decades of civil war and violent conflict. In addition, a significant increase of droughts and floods due to climate change have forced people away from their rural homes. Most IDPs have relocated in Somalia’s cities which has resulted in rapid urbanization, unplanned city development, and a speculation in land markets. This situation has spurred continuous displacements and forced evictions of IDPs, preventing them from building a sustainable livelihood. This LAND-at-scale project, funded jointly with the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), aims to contribute to a sustainable integration of IDPs in three Somali cities. Local governments, IDPs as well as host communities will be supported to contribute to a process of inclusive urban development and to apply land value capture for infrastructure development and basic services. Specifically for land governance strengthening, project strategies include:? Strengthening (technical and institutional) capacities of local authorities to address urban displacement and capacities of IDPs to participate in processes of inclusive urban development? Improving tenure security for IDPs to reduce risks of displacements and forced evictions? Enhancing the institutional framework within the three target cities to apply a land value capture approach.

Gaza Participatory Spatial Planning Support Programme (UN Habitat)


Participatory planning will be tested in 5 municipalities and 10 neighborhoods of the Gaza strip by acknowledging that a human rights based approach to planning legitimizes the interests of marginalized groups. This intervention aims at fostering a more sustainable urban environment in context of continuous demographic growth, while contributing to overall reconstruction efforts after recurrent armed conflicts, and several years of full blockade of the Gaza Strip.