LAND-at-scale Tender Announcement: Mali | Land Portal

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) is seeking (an) organization(s) to implement the LAND-at-scale intervention in Mali.


LAND-at-scale is a land governance support programme for developing countries. A large part of the world’s population depends on having secure access to land for their incomes. LAND-at-scale aims to contribute to fair and sustainable tenure security, access to land and natural resources for all.

The Netherlands Embassy in Bamako, Mali submitted a proposal that was positively evaluated by the LAND-at-scale Advisory Committee. Together with the Embassy, RVO further developed this idea and consulted with the relevant authorities in Mali, which results in the following invitation to tender.

Intervention summary

In Mali, farmers and pastoralists need land tenure security to sustainably manage and collectively use natural resources and to undertake investments with long-run pay-offs needed for climate smart investment in productivity, diversification, and resilience. Over 90% of these farmers and pastoralists depend on customary tenure systems to access land and natural resources.

By reinforcing customary land rights the LAND-at-scale project “Boosting local capacity to manage land conflicts and protect customary rights in Mali” contributes to sustainable development and improved tenure security. This will be done through strengthening of rural communities’ capacity for conflict mediation and integrating inclusive innovations towards customary tenure security through Land Commissions (Commissions Foncières). Operational and inclusive Land Commissions are a key structure in the Agricultural Land Act- Loi sur le Foncier Agricole. The Land Commissions contribute to the establishment of a transparent and sustainable legal and institutional framework for a customary land tenure system.

The intervention strategy and envisaged outputs are to arrive at an effective and sustainable (multi-stakeholder) approach that results in establishing capacity for building effective, inclusive and transparent Land Commissions that can implement the law in support of conflict mediation and local tenure security for all. A second objective aims at promoting innovations in customary tenure systems adjusted to local needs and circumstances. Establishment of functional, inclusive, legitimate and accountable Lands Commissions at local government and village level will expand capacity for conflict mediation and customary land tenure management.

Intervention goal

To contribute to stability, food security, climate resilient agricultural development and natural resources management by strengthening security of access to and rights over land and natural resources, with special attention for inclusivity (especially women and pastoralists), through establishing and capacitating Land Commissions.  


Please refer to the official tender documents for a complete description of the proposed assignment, as well as tender procedure and requirements. In case of any differences between those documents and this announcement, the information in the official tender documents on Tenderned prevail.

Tender timeline

April 12th 2021 (12 PM CEST) - Deadline questions and clarifications about the tender

May 6th 2021 – Deadline tender submissions

May 19th 2021 – Announcement of the award of contract

July 1st 2021 – Start of contract

For the complete list of deadlines, please refer to the official tender documents on Tenderned.


Participating in this Tender requires a Tenderned account. Please contact if you are unable to register.

Photo source: Treeaid (Flickr Creative Commons)

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