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Community Organizations Government of Micronesia
Government of Micronesia
Government of Micronesia
Governmental institution


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This is the profile for the Government of Micronesia



Displaying 16 - 20 of 40

Chapter 4 of Title 11 of the Kosrae State Code - The Deed of Trust.


This Chapter specifies rules relative to the writing, transfer, foreclosure, etc. of a deed of trust and defines legal consequences and proceedings in relation with the creation or foreclosure of a deed of trust. A transfer in trust of an estate in real property may occur to secure the performance of an obligation or the payment of a debt. A transfer does not entitle the trustee or beneficiary to the possession of the property, except as provided in this Chapter.

Chapter 1 of Title 11 of the Kosrae State Code - Public Land.


This Chapter provides for procedures for the acquisition of land for public purposes by the State of Kosrae and transfer of title in public land.As for acquisition of land, the State shall conduct friendly negotiations with the owner of the land, and only after failure to acquire the land in such manner, may initiate court action aimed at expropriation. The Chapter sets out the criteria for acquisition of land for public use. As for transfer of title of public land, this may be done by the Governor upon approval of the Legislature.

Chapter 4 of Title 67 of the Trust Territory Code - Subdivision of Public Land.


This Chapter lays down rules relative to the division of public lands. It specifies powers and duties of the Chief of Lands and Surveys regarding the subdivision of public land and in particular lands that are adjacent to the sea or tidal areas. Reasonable public access shall be secured in public areas to be subdivided or offered for sale.

Chapter 2 of Title 67 of the Trust Territory Code - District Land Office.


This Chapter provides for the creation of District Land Offices for each district in the Trust Territory and the appointment of a District Land Title Officer for each district.The functions of the District Land Offices shall be to: (a) determine the extent of public lands within the district; (b) administer, manage and control such public lands; and (c) administer claims arising out of or pertaining to the use or occupation of private lands by the United States government or any of its agencies, or by the government of the Trust Territory within the district, in accordance with the laws of