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Community Organizations Government of Micronesia
Government of Micronesia
Government of Micronesia
Governmental institution


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This is the profile for the Government of Micronesia



Displaying 36 - 40 of 40

Chapter 11 of Title 24 of the Chuuk State Code - Public Lands and Condemnation.


This Chapter makes provision with compulsory acquisition of (a right in) land and administration of public land in the State of Chuuk.The Chapter defines the duties of the Governor as regards the proper administration of land, sets out criteria and procedures for the condemnation of land and provides the determination and award of compensation, the determination of claims by a Claims Board and the resolution of disputes regarding titles in land or compensation.

Chapter 5 of Title 24 of the Chuuk State Code - Chuuk State Board of Land Surveyors Examiners and Surveyors Registration Act of 1984.


This Chapter provides for the establishment of the Board of Land Surveyors Examiners of the State of Chuuk and for registration of land surveyors. The Act specifies qualifications for a person in order to become e registered land surveyor and prohibits the surveying of land by persons who are not registered with the Board.

Chapter 1 of Title 56 of the Code of Federated States of Micronesia - Eminent Domain.


This Chapter establishes procedures to be followed by the Government of the Trust Territory in the exercise of its power to acquire real property by eminent domain, i.e. to condemn property for public use or purposes and to appropriate the ownership and possession of such property for such public use upon paying the owner a just compensation to be ascertained according to the law.The Act concerns, among other things, proceedings at the High Court, the establishment of value of land by the High Court and determination of ownership in the event of dispute.

Chapter 15 of Title 24 of the Chuuk State Code - Mortgages.


This Chapter prescribes rules regarding the establishment, recording and protection of mortgages. Its purpose is to establish a system of mortgage law in the State of Chuuk which will induce lenders to make secured commercial and residential loans and secure transparency and other rights of mortgagor. Under the provisions of this Chapter, mortgage creates a lien on the land, but does not pass title to the mortgagee.

Earthmoving Regulations.


These Regulations regulate earthmoving operations, i.e. any construction or other activity which disturbs or alters the surface of the land, coral reef or bottom of lagoons (reg. 1.3). All earthmoving operations in Micronesia shall be conducted in accordance with these Regulations and in such a way as to prevent accelerated erosion or accelerated sedimentation (reg. 2.1). Erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be set forth in a plan to be prepared by qualified persons in accordance with requirements laid down in reg.