This is the profile for all Governmental Institutions in Republic of Uganda.
Displaying 16 - 20 of 90Issues Paper for the National Land Policy (Land Tenure Reform Project)
Contains introduction, conceptual framework, issues for the land policy (sovereignty, land tenure systems and issues, land and sustainable livelihoods, land administration and management, natural resources, land markets, land/property taxation), policy implementation, the gaps and areas for future study.
Land Act (Cap. 227)
An Act to provide for the tenure, ownership and management of land; to amend and consolidate the law relating to tenure, ownership and management of land; and to provide for other related or incidental matters.
Pyrali Abdul Rasul Esmail v Adrian Sibo
"Whether the Expropriated Properties Act No.9 of 1982, to the extent that it nullified the sale of the suit property to the defendant and accordingly deprives him of his proprietary interest therein, contravenes the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and is thereby null and avoid."
Constitution of Uganda 1995 (rev. 2005)
A Constituent Assembly deliberated and approved the draft it received from a Constitutional Commission.