When carbon markets go wrong: How to ensure access to remedy for land tenure violations | Land Portal
Contact details: 
Neil Sorensen, neil.sorensen@landportal.org

Namati: Innovations in Legal Empowerment

Namati is an international organization that tests the potential of legal empowerment through innovative interventions and research. Through our work, we seek a better understanding of the impacts of legal empowerment and the most effective mechanisms for achieving them. 

Language of the event: 

8 February, 2024 14:00-15:30 CET | 8:00-9:30 ET

Carbon markets promise to mitigate the climate crisis by increasing the absorption of carbon. All too often, communities living on land impacted by these markets lack access to information about the markets and are subject to violations of tenure and other rights. When harms occur, the complexity of the market and lack of national regulation can make it very difficult for communities to seek redress. As the markets are poised to expand, it is critical to understand avenues for communities seeking redress.

This webinar explored what access to remedy might look like for communities in the global carbon market system, with a focus on issues of land and resources tenure. Hearing from communities impacted by carbon markets and experts in grievance mechanism design, the webinar highlighted the key features necessary for accessible, dependable, and credible grievance mechanisms. The discussion offered critical input to the proposed grievance mechanism for markets established under Article 6.4 of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement. 


Languages of the event:  English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Bahasa


Ketan Joshi

  • Ketan Joshi, Senior Associate: Net zero taskforce, Global Strategic Communications Council (GSCC) (Moderator)

Immaculata Casimero

  • Immaculata Casimero, a Wapichan woman and  member of the Wapichan Wiizi Women’s Movement 

Eileen Wakesho Mwagae

  • Eileen Wakesho Mwagae, Director of Community Land Protection, Namati

Nicolás Galarza

  • Nicolás Galarza,  former Vice Minister of the Environment in Colombia

Jonathan Crook Carbon Market Watch

  • Jonathan Crook, Policy Expert on Global Carbon Markets with Carbon Market Watch

Stephanie Amoako

  • Stephanie Amoako, Senior Policy Associate, Accountability Counsel


This is the fourth webinar in the Advancing Land-based Investment Governance (ALIGN) series, which focuses on the governance of land-based investments in the Global South. The series explores practical strategies and approaches adopted by rights defenders and practitioners to address common challenges surrounding these investments. The series also connects the thematic elements and openings within these strategies for enhanced RLBI governance to the Responsible Land-Based Investment Navigator, a knowledge hub bringing together a wide range of curated tools and guides on topics related to the governance of land-based investments.

Linked to this, and underpinning many of the strategies deployed, is the importance of reliable and readily available information. Such information improves transparency and accountability and facilitates more responsible land investments. The series will therefore also explore how open data can assist in protecting the rights of individuals and communities and enhance opportunities for equitable and responsible land investments.

This webinar series is a partnership of the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI),  International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), Land Portal Foundation, and Namati. 

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