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Displaying 1285 - 1296 of 1707
18 Février 2021
Foto: REUTERS/Matias Delacroix   Por Vinicius Blankenburg Cipriano M. da Silva    Com o passar dos anos e com o uso inadequado e desenfreado do solo, da água e da vegetação por meios antrópicos, os processos de desertificação e de degradação da terra vem afetando a qualidade de vida das…
11 Février 2021
Celine Salcedo-La Viña
The ability to own land and access natural resources allows women to secure food for their families, increase their agricultural productivity and livelihoods, and help drive local economies. Land rights empower women to have a say in matters that affect their lives, families and communities —…
2 Février 2021
Ms. Elisa Scalise
We know that there is not one single path to achieving a global shift in women’s land tenure security.   At a minimum, it is going to take: Continued advocacy and activism at global, regional, and national levels. Policy, law, and regulation reforms that take the best from both economic development…
2 Février 2021
Chris Jochnick
2020 was a tough year on many fronts, and land rights were no exception. COVID-19 hindered land rights advocates from doing field research, meeting with government officials, prioritizing policy initiatives, and obtaining funding. Despite these headwinds, we have seen important advances, and the…
29 Janvier 2021
Dr. Marcello De Maria
The data revolution – characterised by the transition to big data, open data and new digital data infrastructures [1] – is projected to make an astonishing 44 billion terabytes of digital data and information available by the end of 2020 [2]. Despite this plethora of information now available to us…
29 Janvier 2021
Nathaniah Jacobs, Tehtena Mebratu-Tsegaye
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, many low-income countries are looking to their untapped natural resources as a way to deliver a swift economic boost. But there are concerns that the drive for urgent solutions could impinge on vital governance safeguards. Nathaniah Jacobs and…
28 Janvier 2021
Dr. Joseph Feyertag
Prindex Researcher Joseph Feyertag argues that corruption holds the key to unlocking tenure insecurity. Today, Germany’s development agency GIZ will launch a report on the role of open data in fighting land corruption at a joint event with Land Portal, and Transparency International’s latest…
28 Janvier 2021
Julie Mollins
Forest tenure reform in the global south has often failed to be gender-responsive, but there is increasing interest in taking up this challenge to activate effective change.   Now, a new guide created by scientists with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) aims to make the…
26 Janvier 2021
Helena Vidalic
Opening up land-related administrative data, combining it with data from other sources  and processing and making this data available as easily accessible information for women and men equally could be a means to counteracting land corruption in land management, land administration and land…
21 Janvier 2021
Hema Swaminathan, Isis Gaddis, Rahul Lahoti
On January 24, 2020, a quiet revolution happened in South Africa. In a landmark ruling in the Durban High Court, 72-year old Agnes Sithole scored a legal victory that not only provided her a share of her husband’s estate but may also help to protect an estimated 400,000 black elderly women in South…
18 Décembre 2020
Por José Eustáquio Diniz Alves   As florestas estão desaparecendo no mundo. Havia 6 trilhões de árvores no passado. Mas a humanidade destruiu a metade das florestas desde o crescimento exponencial da população e da economia.   A população mundial passou de 1 bilhão em 1800 para quase 8…
16 Décembre 2020
Los ríos, los lagos, la tierra, son sujetos de derechos y como tal, hay que respetarlos   Un blog de Delfina Mux Caná* De niña, recuerdo que cuando acompañaba a mi abuela a las montañas, bosques, ríos y valles, antes de entrar a estos lugares, ella pedía permiso y hablaba con los árboles…  …