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Countries Kazakhstan related Blog post


Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
11 Octobre 2022
Daniel Hayward
In the Three Rivers gazetted forest of northern Benin, the start of the agricultural season is a frequent hotspot of conflict between local communities and forest officials.  It is at this moment when demands are made for forest fees giving permission for residents to cultivate fields or graze…
11 Octobre 2022
Daniel Hayward
Na floresta dos Três Rios no norte do Benin, o início da estação agrícola é um cenário frequente de conflitos entre as comunidades locais e as autoridades florestais.  É neste momento que são feitas exigências de taxas florestais dando permissão aos residentes para cultivar os campos ou pastar seu…
11 Octobre 2022
Daniel Hayward
Dans la forêt classée des Trois Rivières, au nord du Bénin, le début de la saison agricole est un point chaud fréquent de conflits entre les communautés locales et les agents forestiers.  C'est à ce moment-là que l'on réclame des droits forestiers autorisant les habitants à cultiver les champs ou…
11 Octobre 2022
Daniel Hayward
En el bosque de los Tres Ríos, en el norte de Benin, el inicio de la temporada agrícola es un punto de conflicto frecuente entre las comunidades locales y los funcionarios forestales.  Es en este momento cuando se exigen tasas forestales que den permiso a los residentes para cultivar los campos o…
13 Janvier 2022
Kazakhstan and China must reach mutually beneficial agreements on water issues.  by Wilder Alejandro Sanchez for Center for the National Interest The recent unrest in Kazakhstan quickly led to an intervention by the Collective Security Treaty Organization and triggered the appointment of a new…
8 Janvier 2022
Blog written by AYJAZ WANI for Observer Research Foundation Originally posted at Main photo: Getty Kazakhstan President’s call to use foreign troops to quell the recent protest could further alienate people who are already…
5 Juillet 2021
Charl-Thom Bayer
The COVID-19 crisis exacerbated land governance challenges, including addressing failures in land governance systems, a lack of transparency, systemic corruption, and lack of accessibility to data. It undermines development progress on global food security and has driven people into poverty, while…