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Issueszone urbaineLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1705 - 1716 of 1963

Basic services remain a challenge in rapidly urbanising Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Avril, 2016

Kenya’s unprecedented urbanisation rate offers major opportunities, but also puts to the test the new Constitution’s declaration to make access to basic services a basic right for all Kenyans.

What opportunities? Globally, the fastest, most diversifying economic growth and service extensions often occur in urbanising countries.

Good urban infrastructure services — especially transport, water supply and sanitation, electricity and solid waste management — benefit not only cities and towns, but national economies.

A cidade dos invisíveis:

Journal Articles & Books
Août, 2018
Amérique du Sud

Este artigo surgiu das inquietações a respeito do que Henry Lefebvre em 1968 chamou de ‘direito à cidade’. Segundo o autor o trabalhador tem o direito de usufruir das qualidades e benefícios que a vida urbana proporciona. Apesar de válido, tal questionamento exclui as pessoas trans no que diz respeito ao direito à cidade. Compreende-se por pessoas trans o conjunto heterogêneo formado por travestis, por homens e mulheres transexuais. Ou seja, pessoas que vivenciam o gênero de maneira diversa ao que foi de socialmente imposto ao nascimento.

Expropriation of Real Property in Kigali City: Scoping the Patterns of Spatial Justice

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2018

The key question in this article is the extent to which current real property expropriation practices in Kigali city promote spatial justice. Current studies focus on the ambiguous manner in which real property valuation had been regulated by the expropriation law of 2007, leading to unfair compensation and various conflicts between expropriating agencies and expropriated people. Following its amendment in 2015, the law currently provides clearer procedures for valuation and fair compensation, based on the market prices.

Predicting Land Use Changes in Philadelphia Following Green Infrastructure Policies

Peer-reviewed publication
Janvier, 2019
États-Unis d'Amérique

Urbanization is a rapid global trend, leading to consequences such as urban heat islands and local flooding. Imminent climate change is predicted to intensify these consequences, forcing cities to rethink common infrastructure practices. One popular method of adaptation is green infrastructure implementation, which has been found to reduce local temperatures and alleviate excess runoff when installed effectively. As cities continue to change and adapt, land use/landcover modeling becomes an important tool for city officials in planning future land usage.

Review of Selected Land Laws and the Governance of Tenure in the Philippines

Journal Articles & Books
Septembre, 2014

The Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT), was developed under the Committee on World Food Security as a result of collaboration among different groups of stakeholders – governments, civil society, private sector, academia. The VGGT is intended to provide a framework for responsible tenure governance that supports food security, poverty alleviation, sustainable resource use and environmental protection.

Urban land reform in Namibia

Août, 2018

This document outlines some pertinent questions regarding urbanization in Namibia, provides central policy recommendations and identifies relevant research gaps to guide the policy debate on urban land reform as part of the 2nd National Land Conference scheduled for 1-5 October 2018.

Are urban land tenure regulations in Namibia the solution or the problem?

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2009

Land tenure in Namibia is regulated by a variety of Acts, some of which date back to as far as 1937, and some of which are

yet to be approved by Cabinet. This variety of Acts makes it difficult to evaluate the performance of land administration as a

whole, and the appropriateness of coercive instruments with regards to urban land tenure in particular. In this article we

evaluate how urban land tenure regularization practices are conducted in Namibia, and to compare new formal procedures,

Land Delivery to the Urban Poor. Case study of Lux Development Project Nam/343: Realities, opportunities, possibilities, synergies

Juillet, 2016

The project took place in Katima Mulilo and Rundu during 2007-11. The project consisted of 66 township extensions, and resulted in 18,500 plots developed in a period of 5 years. The project was funded by LUX Development, the cooperation agency from Luxemburg, which poured significant funds to make the project possible. One of the innovation aspects was to do the topographic and cadastral mapping in parallel with the layout and design. This was done by teams consisting of a town planner, a surveyor , and community facilitators selected by the inhabitants of the settlement in question.

The proposed new Urban and Regional Planning Bill: an appraisal.

Octobre, 2015

The Bill aimed at overriding old ordinances that dated back to the 1950s and 60s. The main objective of the Bill is that of decentralisation, and has three main points: the establishment of "authorized planning authorities" (APA); the consolidation of Townships Board and the Namibia Planning Advisory Board (NAMPAB) into one Urban and Regional Planning Board; and long term spatial development frameworks by means of a structure plan at all levels: national, regional, and urban.

Zutphens verscholen havengebied : participatieve planontwikkeling voor de Marsuiterwaarden, een groenblauwe oase in de stad

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2011

Bedrijventerrein De Mars van Zutphen ondergaat momenteel een revitaliseringsoperatie. Ook zijn er ideeën om de boulevard vanaf het oude Zutphense IJsselfront langs de uiterwaarden grenzend aan De Mars door te trekken en is er een woonwijk gepland rond de nieuw aan te leggen Noorderhaven. Allemaal ontwikkelingen die hun weerslag zullen hebben op de Marsuiterwaarden, een natuur- en watersportgebied dat erg geliefd is bij zijn huidige gebruikers. Deze aangrenzende uiterwaarden maken echter maar heel beperkt deel uit van deze plannen.

Ontwerpen aan een klimaatbestendige stadsregio

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2011

Studenten van Van Hall-Larenstein (landschapsarchitectuur; bos- natuurbeheer; land- en watermanagement) hebben als een adviesbureau gewerkt aan diverse voorstellen voor het klimaatbestendig maken van de stadsregio Arnhem - Nijmegen. Eerst is een analyse volgens de lagenbenadering gemaakt, zijn relevante thema’s en referenties bestudeerd, is een visie opgesteld en ten slotte is een masterplan voor een klimaatbestendig stadsregio opgesteld.

Kas in de stad: op weg naar duurzame glastuinbouw in een stedelijke omgeving

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2008

Door toenemende druk op het ruimtegebruik en stijgende grondprijzen trekken steeds meer bedrijven naar buitengebieden. Desondanks is een vitale glastuinbouw in de stedelijke omgeving zeer gewenst. Mogelijkheden voor glastuinbouw in de stedelijke omgeving: meervoudige ruimtebenutting en duurzaam energiegebruik