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Issueszone urbaineLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1069 - 1080 of 1963

Instruction ministériel invitant les communes à appliquer la recommandation de la Commission Régionale Sarre-Lor-Lux-Trèves/Palatinat Occidental portant sur l'information mutuelle et l'harmonisation de la planification communale dans les régions fronta...

Europe occidentale

La susdite recommandation consistant en 5 paragraphes considère certains projets de plans qui s'avèrent nécessaires pour parvenir à un aménagement harmonieux, notamment du point de vue urbain et paysager. Parmi d'autres il est établi que l'information mutuelle se fera sans intermédiaire entre les communes frontalières. Les services nationaux y mentionnés se tiennent à la dispositions des communes qui le désirent.

Decreto Nº 2 - Norma ambiental de calidad de suelos para diversos usos.

Amérique centrale

El presente Decreto tiene por objeto establecer la Norma ambiental de calidad de suelos para diversos usos, a fin de proteger la salud humana y los ecosistemas, definir los niveles genéricos de referencia y los límites máximos permisibles de contaminantes químicos en el suelo, establecer los métodos a utilizar en los análisis químicos y microbiológicos y especificar los contenidos de informes preliminares de situación, de caracterización y de remediación de suelos.

Decreto Nº 34.763/J - Modifica el Reglamento de la Ley Nº 6.545, Ley del catastro nacional.

Costa Rica
Amérique centrale

El presente Decreto modifica el Reglamento a la Ley de Catastro Nacional, para lograr una más clara integración con disposiciones de rango legal relativas al tema, principalmente propiciando una aplicación más exacta y sencilla para los operadores normativos del Catastro Nacional.

Enmienda: Decreto Nº 34.331/J - Reglamento de la Ley Nº 6.545, Ley del catastro nacional. (2007-11-29)

Town Planning Act (Cap. 255).


This Act makes provision for the appointment of the Director of Physical planning by then Governor-General, the constitution of the Town Planning Committee, grants powers to these institutions and the Minister in respect of town planning and provides rules relative to town planning. The Director shall be a technical adviser to the Minister and executive officer of the Committee. The Committee is granted powers to control town planning and construction in The Bahamas.

Decision No. 163/2008/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Ca Mau province till 2020.

Viet Nam
Asia du sud-est

This Decision approves the master plan on the socio-economic development of Ca Mau province.This plan aims at forming the industry-service-agriculture economic structure into a socially and economically developed province and at developing the marine economy in association with protecting marine resources and the environment.The main objectives of the plan are to: develop agriculture, forestry and fishery; develop aquaculture; protect and rehabilitate biodiversity in submerged areas; manage environmental pollution treatment; develop water supply infrastructures and irrigation systems; build

Decree No. 64/2010/ND-CP on management of urban green trees.

Viet Nam
Asia du sud-est

This Decree provides for the management and development of green trees in urban centres to create sceneries, environmental protection and biodiversity.The Decree sets forth requirements, objectives and contents of urban planning and urban development.The Decree further addresses: general provisions on the planting, tending, nursing, protection, felling and removal or green trees; responsibilities of ministries, provincial-level People’s Committees and district-level People’s Committees on the management of urban green trees; etc.

Regional Law No. 3840-OZ “On state cadastre valuation of land by local government”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that state cadastre land valuation shall be conducted by decision of local government of city districts and municipal units within the boundaries of a given municipal unit. The modalities of state cadastre valuation of land shall be performed by decision of the regional administration.

Regional Law No. 157-OZ “On state cadastre valuation of land by local government”.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Regional Law establishes that state cadastre land valuation shall be conducted by decision of local government of city districts and municipal units within the boundaries of a given municipal unit. The modalities of state cadastre valuation of land shall be performed by decision of the regional administration.

Decree-Law No. 31 of 1972 on the registration of real property in uniform structure with Decree No. 27/1972 (XII.31.) MEM of the Minister of Agriculture on its execution (Chapters V-IX).

Europe orientale

The Decree-Law is set in bold-type and the Decree is set in normal characters. In order to safeguard real estate rights and statutory interests, the register of real estate contains data on all immovable property in the country, on rights in connection thereto and other relevant information. Certain rights come into being through registration.

Urban Development Act.

République de Corée
Asie orientale

The purpose of this Act is to promote planned and systematic urban development, create a comfortable urban environment and promote public welfare by prescribing matters necessary for urban development. For the purpose of the present Act «urban development project» means a project implemented to build a complex or town having functions, such as residence, commerce, industries, distribution, information and communications, ecology, culture, health and welfare in an urban development zone.

Arrêté interministériel n° CAB/MINATUHITPR/013/2013 et n° 925/CAB/MIN/FINANCES/2013 du 09 août 2013 portant fixation des taux des droits et taxes à percevoir à l'initiative du Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire, Urbanisme, Habitat, Infrastructure...

République démocratique du Congo
Afrique centrale

Le présent arrêté fixe les taux des droits et taxes à percevoir, sur la taxe de bâtisse, à l'initiative du Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire, Urbanisme, Habitat, Infrastructures, Travaux Publics et Reconstruction conformément au tableau en annexe.Les taux, pour les catégories ci-après, sont pondérés d'un coefficient de localisation géographique et urbanistique suivant le rang de chaque entité urbaine.