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Decree of the president on measures for deepening of land and agrarian reform in the Kyrghyz Republic.

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

This Decree contains a series of considerations and rules pertinent to land and agrarian reform and the allocation of land shares to citizens living and working in rural areas in kolkhozes and sovkhozes. Tasks of central and local authorities in this respect are formulated. It is determined that the citizens of the Kyrghyz Republic and legal persons of the Kyrgyz Republic enjoy the right to use land shares and sale, exchange, inherit, use as a collateral, rent this right to use land share. The setting up of a land reallocation fund is considered and exchange of land provided for.

Act to amend the Rural Activities Management Act (No. 1304 of 1994).

Europe septentrionale

The scope of the principal Act is to improve the structure of agriculture and forestry as well as rural activities in general. The amendments concern, inter alia, the scope of the Act in the light of the common agricultural policy of the European Communities, the definitions of enterprise restructuring and certain others, economic requirements for the granting of financial support (sect. 70), support for investment (sect. 15), loans for the acquisition of land (sect. 16), investment subsidies for small-scale economic activities (sect. 19), start-up capital (sect.

Law on entering into the list of constitutional laws of the constitutional law on the subjects, procedure, terms and conditions and restrictions of the acquisition into ownership of land plots provided for in article 47 (No. I-1393).

Europe septentrionale

The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania pursuant to Article 69, Paragraph 3, of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania enters into the list of constitutional laws the Constitutional Law on the Subjects, Procedure, Terms and Conditions and Restrictions of the Acquisition into Ownership of Land Plots.

Constitutional Law on the subjects, procedure, terms and conditions and restrictions of the acquisition into ownership of land plots provided for in article 47, paragraph 2 of the constitution of the republic of lithuania (No. I-1392).

Europe septentrionale

In implementing the provisions of Article 47, paragraph 2, of the Constitution, this Law establishes the subjects which may be permitted to acquire into ownership non-agricultural land plots for conducting in Lithuania activities provided for in this Law; conditions, procedure and restrictions in compliance with which the subjects established by this Law may acquire into ownership a plot of land; grounds for determining the size of the land plot being acquired into ownership.

Decreto Nº 113/98 - Crea la Comisión de Titulación de Terrenos Urbanos.

République dominicaine

El Decreto, que consta de 3 artículos, crea e integra la Comisión de Titulación de Terrenos Urbanos para familias ocupantes de terrenos de propiedad del Estado Dominicano y de los municipios, donde se hayan fomentado mejoras de viviendas, tomando en cuenta que la ocupación no debe ser menor de 5 años y de manera pacifica e ininterrumpida.

Decreto Nº 24/99 - Ley del Fondo de Tierras.

Amérique centrale

La presente Ley, que consta de 5 titulos y 59 articulos, crea el Fondo de Tierras (FONTIERRAS), como una entidad descentralizada del Estado, instituida para facilitar el acceso a la tierra y generar condiciones para el desarrollo rural integral y sostenible a través de proyectos productivos, agropecuarios, forestales e hidrobiológicos.

Ley Nº 27.161 - Ley modificatoria y ampliatoria de la Ley del registro de predios rurales.

Amérique du Sud

La Ley, que consta de 4 articulos y 2 disposiciones finales, modifica y amplia la Ley del registro de predios rurales en lo relativo a la prueba de la posesión, a la determinación, conversión o rectificación de áreas de predios rurales, y a la designación de fedatarios.

Enmienda: Decreto Legislativo Nº 667 - Ley del registro de predios rurales. (1991-09-12)

Resolución Nº 237/99/SUNARP - Lineamientos generales para uso de formularios de inmatriculación, inscripción de transferencias, gravámenes, acumulación y parcelación de predios inscritos.

Amérique du Sud

La Resolución, que consta de 2 articulos, aprueba la Directiva de la Superintendencia Nacional de los Registros Públicos Nº 002-99-SUNARP/SN, cuya finalidad es la de establecer los requisitos a que debe sujetarse la presentación de los formularios registrales para la inscripción de los actos y contratos relacionados con la inmatriculación, acumulación, desmembración, parcelación, transferencia, cargas y gravámenes de predios rurales.

Implementa: Decreto Legislativo Nº 667 - Ley del registro de predios rurales. (1991-09-12)

Decreto Supremo Nº 031/99/AG - Texto único de procedimientos administrativos (TUPA) del Proyecto Especial de Titulación de Tierras y Catastro Rural (PETT).

Amérique du Sud

El Decreto Supremo, que consta de 2 articulos, aprueba el Texto único de procedimientos administrativos (TUPA) del Proyecto Especial de Titulación de Tierras y Catastro Rural (PETT) del Ministerio de Agricultura.

Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on effectuation of the Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

Land legislation shall be based on the principles set out in article 3. In accordance with the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, land may be the state, communal, private or other forms of ownership (art. 4). Article 4 also defines state lands and communal ownership. Article 5 concerns rights of foreigners to use land. Transactions with rights to a land plot shall be subject to state registration and shall not require notarization, except for the cases provided by law (art. 9). Article 10 defines the Land Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Ordonnance nº 83-127 portant réorganisation foncière et domaniale.

Afrique occidentale

Cette ordonnance établit le régime foncier et domanial en Mauritanie.La terre appartient à la nation et tout Mauritanien, sans discrimination d'aucune sorte, peut, en se conformant à la Loi, en devenir propriétaire, pour partie. L'Etat reconnait et garantit la propriété foncière privée qui doit, conformément à la Chariâa; contribuer au développement économique et social du pays. Le système de la tenure traditionnelle du sol est aboli. Les terres qui ont appartenu à l'Etat, en vertu des dispositions de la loi n 60.139 du 2 Août 1960, demeurent domaniales.