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Issues Urban Tenure related Blog post
Displaying 13 - 22 of 22

“This plot is not for sale!”: Land Administration and Land Disputes in Uganda

06 Novembre 2019
Miss Teddy Kisembo

“This plot is not for sale” are the six words you will find, marked on a lot of properties and plots of land in Uganda. The words are meant to ward off quack land or property brokers and conmen. Most of the cases handled in courts in Uganda, and Kampala in particular, are fraud-related cases (like selling land while the true owners are away using counterfeit titles) and land transaction fraud (when fake land titles are obtained and sadly some officers in the land registry are involved).

Titling Priorities

16 Avril 2019
Nicholas Parkinson

Maritza Losada moved to Puerto Guadalupe five years ago when her husband found a job with a large biomass energy company that grows sugar cane. She and her husband purchased a lot in the town’s poorest neighborhood, Barrio Nuevo. The district remains today much like it was in 1995 when the government created the housing project for future agro-laborers: no roads, no sewage, no gutters.

The Information Ecosystem: The Beginning of a Partnership for Action

17 Avril 2018
Stacey Zammit

After years of efforts, land rights are finally getting global attention. With several land-related indicators included in the Sustainable Development Goals, the land sector now has the unique opportunity to create an unprecedented momentum around land tenure issues and bring it to a higher level on the development agenda. Our goal is, of course, to contribute to the success of the SDGs, but also to be part of sustainable development in its real and practical sense!

Enquête sur le foncier : Contribution de Sondé Auguste Coulibaly, Cyber-juriste (spécialiste du droit du cyberespace Africain)

Date: 05 janvier 2017

Source: Le

Suite à des constats et plaintes et s’inscrivant dans cette logique populiste en vogue sous la transition, la septième législature a réalisé une prouesse en répondant aux attentes des populations par la mise en place d’une commission d’enquête parlementaire sur le foncier urbain.