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Community Forestry in Cease-Fire Zones in Kachin State, Northern Burma: Formalizing Collective Property in Contested Ethnic Areas

Reports & Research
Juin, 2010

... Community forests (CF) in northern Burma, particularly in Kachin State, have been sprouting up in villages since the mid-2000s, spearheaded by national NGOs. The recent watershed of CF establishment follows several contingent foundational factors: greater political stability and government control in cease-fire zones; enhanced NGO capacity, access, and effectiveness in these areas; and most prominently the recent threat of agribusiness.

Capacity Building Needs Assessment for Community Forestry Development in Indonesia

Reports & Research
Juin, 2010

In this report the results of an independent assessment of the needs for capacity building for the development of community forestry in Indonesia, are presented. Needs were assessed at the level of the institutional context of community forestry development, key organizations and individuals. The team of 2 national consultants carrying out the assessment used the steps and methods of Capacity Building Needs Assesment (CBNA) procedures developed by RECOFTC.

CBNA Report-Indonesia

Reports & Research
Juin, 2010

In this report the results of an independent assessment of the needs for capacity building for the development of community forestry in Indonesia, are presented. Needs were assessed at the level of the institutional context of community forestry development, key organizations and individuals. The team of 2 national consultants carrying out the assessment used the steps and methods of CBNA procedures developed by RECOFTC. 

Community-based Adaptation

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Juin, 2010

The Development Marketplace 2009 focused on adaptation to climate change. This paper identifies lessons from the Marketplace and assesses their implications for adaptation support. The findings are based on: statistical tabulation of all proposals; in-depth qualitative and quantitative analysis of the 346 semi-finalists; and interviews with finalists and assessors. Proposals were fuelled by deep concerns that ongoing climate change and its impacts undermine development and exacerbate poverty, migration and food insecurity.

Municipal Commonage

Manuals & Guidelines
Mai, 2010
Afrique du Sud

Municipal commonage, used as a common resource for communities, poses a unique opportunity for rural development and land and agrarian reform. The law says that municipal commonage must be used to contribute towards land reform. It must be made available for agricultural purposes to those who were previously excluded from accessing commonages.

Poor town residents who want to engage in agricultural activities must therefore organise to demand access to municipal commonage. This booklet will help you to understand the law, access commonage and use commonage. 

Munisipale Meentgrond

Manuals & Guidelines
Mai, 2010
Afrique du Sud

[AFR] Munisipale meentgrond skep ’n unieke geleentheid vir landelike ontwikkeling en grond- en agrariese hervorming. Wetgewing bepaal dat munisipale meentgrond moet bydra tot grondhervorming. Meente moet beskikbaar gemaak word vir landboudoeleindes vir diegene wat voorheen toegang tot die soort grond ontsê is. Arm dorpsinwoners wat wil deelneem aan landbou, moet saamspan om toegang tot munisipale meentgrond op te eis.

Iziza Zikamasipala

Manuals & Guidelines
Mai, 2010
Afrique du Sud

[XHOSA} Umhlaba wesisa kamasipala lusiphathela ithuba elilodwa lophuhliso lwamaphandle nohlaziyo kwezemihlaba nezolimo. Umthetho usixelela ukuba umhlaba wesisa kamasipala kufuneka ube negalelo kuhlaziyo kwezemihlaba apho uthi wenziwe ufumaneke ukuze usetyenziselwe ulimo ngabo babesakuya bengavumelekanga kwixa langaphambili ukuba

bafumane imihlaba yeziza zikamasipala. Abahlali basezidolophini abahluphekileyo nabanqwenela

ukuzibandakanya kwiinkuthalo zolimo kufuneka ngoko bacebe ukwenza amabango okufumana umhlaba wesisa kamasipala.


Việt Nam: Tại sao REDD+ cần người dân địa phương

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mai, 2010

Với việc phần lớn diện tích rừng đã được người dân địa phương quản lý và sự tham gia sớm vào các sáng kiến Sẵn sàng REDD+, Việt Nam trở thành một nước tiên phong trên toàn cầu về hành động giảm thiểu tác động của biến đổi khí hậu dựa vào cộng đồng trong lĩnh vực lâm nghiệp. Tuy nhiên, để làm được điều này cần giải quyết một số vấn đề lớn. Trong bản tin này, chúng tôi thảo luận lý do tại sao sự tham gia tích cực của cộng đông địa phương và người dân bản địa mang tính cốt yếu cho REDD+ cũng như chỉ ra những thách thức cần phải vượt qua.

Estudo sobre conflito de interesses na gestão e exploração da terra em Moçambique: Os casos dos Distritos de Massinga, Zavala, Macomia e Mecufi

Reports & Research
Avril, 2010

A ideia de realização do estudo teve como inspiração o facto de  haverem fortes indícios de  que,  de  forma  crescente  e  persistente,  tem  se  registado  a  nível  de  todo  o  país  uma gestão  da  terra  e  dos  outros  recursos  naturais  contraditória  ao  estabelecido  nas  leis, normas e regras de gestão destes bens  públicos  por parte das instituições estatais, o que resulta  numa  distribuição  não  equitativa,  e  até  mesmo  restritiva,  dos  direitos  das comunidades  locais  e  de  outros  sectores  vulneráveis  da  sociedade,  precarizando  a  luta contr

Land Grabbing in Kenya and Mozambique

Reports & Research
Avril, 2010

Contains a human rights framework to analyze foreign land grabbing – the rights to adequate food, housing and standard of living, the rights to work, self-determination and not to be deprived of one’s means of subsistence, and the rights of indigenous peoples. Followed by case studies of Kenya and Mozambique and concluding remarks about land grabbing and human rights violations.