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Liberia's Cash for Work Temporary Employment Project

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Juillet, 2011

Together with reductions in indirect taxes on food imports, cash for work programs were one of the main responses implemented by African governments following the food, fuel, and financial crisis of recent years. The main objective of those programs was to help the poor cope with the various shocks by increasing their net earnings through community-level work paid for under the programs. Yet it is unclear whether these cash for work programs indeed reached their intended beneficiaries and to what degree they generated other, potentially long-term beneficial impacts.

Nyaunglebin Interview: Saw S---, May 2011

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2011

This report contains the full transcript of an interview conducted by a KHRG researcher in May 2011 with a villager from Ler Doh Township, Nyaunglebin District. The researcher interviewed Saw S---, a 17 year-old student who compared his experiences living in a Tatmadaw-controlled relocation site, and in his own village in a mixed-administration area under effective Tatmadaw control.

Nyaunglebin Interview: Naw P---, May 2011

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2011

This report contains the full transcript of an interview conducted by a KHRG researcher in May 2011 with a villager from Ler Doh Township, Nyaunglebin District. The researcher interviewed Naw P---, a 40-year-old farmer who described her experiences living in a Tatmadaw-controlled relocation site, and in her original village in a mixed-administration area under effective Tatmadaw control.

Dooplaya Interview: U Sa---, July 2011

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2011

This report contains the full transcript of an interview conducted by a KHRG researcher in July 2011 with a villager from Kawkareik Township, Dooplaya District. The researcher interviewed U Sa---, who described how his family and other residents of Pa--- village faced threats and abuses from Tatmadaw soldiers after local DKBA forces captured a Tatmadaw soldier at his home on June 15th 2011.

Toungoo Interviews: March and April 2011

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2011

This report contains the full transcripts of three interviews conducted during March and April 2011 in Tantabin Township, Toungoo District by a villager trained by KHRG to monitor human rights conditions. The three female interviewees described the following abuses: attacks on villages, villagers and livelihoods; killing of villagers; theft and looting; taxation and demands; forced displacement; and forced labour, including the production and supply of building materials and forced portering.

MYANMAR: Displacement continues in context of armed conflicts (Overview)

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2011

In November 2010 the first national elections since 1990 were held in Myanmar. While
the party set up by the previous government and the armed forces retain most legislative
and executive power, the elections may nevertheless have opened up a window of
opportunity for greater civilian governance and power-sharing. At the same time, recent
fighting between opposition non-state armed groups (NSAGs) and government forces in
Kayin/Karen, Kachin, and Shan States, which displaced many within eastern Myanmar and

Oil Palm Expansion in South East Asia: Trends and implications for local communities and indigenous peoples

Journal Articles & Books
Juin, 2011
South-Eastern Asia

This publication is focused on oil palm expansion and land tenure in several Southeast Asian palm oil producing countries (the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia) and cross-compares their experiences with the facts and myths, stories and lessons learned from other palm oil producing countries, more specifically, Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea.

Flux migratoires internationaux: principales données et tendances

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2011

La migration est un phénomène d’une ampleur considérable. La proportion de migrants dans la population des pays industrialisés a doublé au cours des trois dernières décennies et la somme des envois de fonds dans les pays en développement est supérieure à celle des investissements étrangers ou de l’aide internationale. Dans de nombreux pays en développement, le pourcentage de la population travaillant à l’étranger et le pourcentage du produit intérieur brut (PIB) représenté par les envois de fonds sont à deux chiffres.

Dynamique démographique et développement rural au Burkina Faso: Des progrès grâce à la crise?

Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2011
Burkina Faso

Peu de pays sont plus caractérisés par la migration et ses répercussions que le Burkina Faso. Au cours des 40 années qui ont suivi l’indépendance, la moitié de la population a fait l’expérience de la migration, qu’il s’agisse de migration transfrontalière de main-d’œuvre (essentiellement vers la Côte d’Ivoire) ou d’une réinstallation permanente dans le pays même (d’une zone rurale à une autre).

Understanding Land Investment Deals in Africa. Country Report: Ethiopia

Reports & Research
Mai, 2011

Contains country context, study of land investment, benefits and impacts. Finds wide discrepancies between public positions and laws and what is happening on the ground, an absence of environmental controls, widespread displacement from farmland without compensation, little local benefit, many land deals involve small-scale investors with limited agricultural experience.