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Villagers flee to avoid fighting and portering: Conflict continues to impact civilians in Dooplaya District

Reports & Research
Décembre, 2010

Civilians in Dooplaya District continue to be impacted by conflict between the Tatmadaw and armed Karen groups, who have increased fighting in the area since November 7th 2010. The situation around Palu village remains highly unstable; in order to avoid conflict and conflict-related abuse, civilians are moving frequently between their homes and fields, more secure locations outside the village and along the Moei River, and both official and unofficial locations in Thailand's Phop Phra District.

Recognizing Rights to Natural Resources in Mozambique

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2010

After a number of constitutional amendments in 1990 had introduced the need to revise the legal framework for land and natural resources1, the government of Mozambique embarked upon a rather piecemeal process to develop a new policy and institutional framework for natural resource management. The main pillars of this framework consist of various pieces of legislation dealing with specific natural resources, such as the Land Law, the Forestry & Wildlife Law, the Mining Law and their related regulations and annexes.

Land, Power and Identity: Roots of violent conflict in Eastern DRC

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2010

Identifies disputed control over land as a root cause of conflict in Eastern DRC. Focuses on conflicts between customary and state-run land tenure systems, and claims by some communities to ‘indigenous’ status which are used to relegate others to ‘migrant’ or ‘foreigner’ status. Waves of population displacement have created overlapping claims to land, and an ongoing process of refugee return is currently increasing tensions over these claims in parts of Eastern DRC. Examines efforts to manage this return process and offers recommendations for action by local and international actors.

The Impact of National Land Policy and Land Reform on Women in Zambia

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2010

Includes background to women’s land rights in Zambia; policy and legal reforms of the1990s; key findings – gender insensitivity on land laws and policies, the high cost of legal fees to handle land disputes, the limited benefits of title deeds for women, lack of awareness on land policy process, land grabbing and disinheritance, lack of security of tenure, lack of access to justice; conclusions and recommendations.

Agricultural Credits Act, 2010 (No. 35 of 2010).

Novembre, 2010

This Act provides with respect to a system of charge, lien or assignments on agricultural goods and warehouse receipts for credit, and for supervision and the registration and certification of warehouses and for these and other purposes establishes the Warehouse Licensing Authority. The Authority shall be a body corporate and shall: (a) certify warehouses; (b) approve negotiable warehouse receipt books; and (c) perform any other function incidental or conducive to the carrying out of its functions under this Act or any other law.

Building momentum for land restoration: Towards property restitution for IDPs in Colombia

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2010

According to the government agency Acción Social, around six per cent of national territory has been abandoned, while between 3.3 and 4.9 million people have been displaced by conflict and violence in Colombia. Roughly half of the internally displaced families owned or occupied land before their displacement. Almost all of them have lost it as a result.

REDD-Net Asia-Pacific Bulletin #2: The Role of Trust in REDD+

Institutional & promotional materials
Octobre, 2010
South-Eastern Asia

As negotiations on the shape of REDD+ continue at national and global levels, REDD-Net’s network of civil society organizations has identified the issue of trust as a high priority for further examination. In this issue RECOFTC explores the importance of trust in REDD+, why the success of REDD+ depends on trust, and how trust may need to come with its own set of warnings.