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Why is customary protection failing to prevent land grabbing?

Policy Papers & Briefs
Août, 2009

The protection given to the land rights of women, orphans and any other vulnerable groups in Northern and Eastern Uganda is probably as good as can be found anywhere in the world. Customary land law is based on three main principles. First, everyone is entitled to land, and no-one can ever be denied land rights. A second principle is that all inherited land is family land, never individual property.

FEMACT Loliondo Findings

Reports & Research
Juillet, 2009

Over the Last three months, acts of unconceivable evil were perpetrated through an eviction operation against indigenous pastoralists in Loliondo. Loliondo is one of the three Divisions of the Ngorongoro District situated in the Arusha Region in Northern Tanzania. The Ngorongoro District Covers an area of about 14037 square Kilometres. Stretching across some 8,300 sq km, is the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, established in 1959 and governed by the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority, and the rest is the Loliondo Game Control Area consisting of the Sale and Loliondo Divisions.

IWGIA Urgent Alert concerning Gross Human Rights abuses towards Pastoralists in Loliondo, Ngorongoro district in Tanzania

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juillet, 2009

This urgent alert is based on the forceful evictions of Maasai pastoralists from their homes and grazing lands in Loliondo Division, Ngorongoro District in Northern Tanzania and the gross human rights violations that are being committed. 

The eviction operation started on the 4th July 2009 and was conducted by the notorious riot police, the Field Force Unit, with assistance of private guards from the Otterlo Business Cooperation (OBC). They entered the villages by shooting in the air and using teargas before pouring petrol on the Maasai homes and setting them on fire.


Reports & Research
Juillet, 2009

(4th edition).....
"This compilation consists of selected paragraphs of the Conclusions of UNHCR’s
Executive Committee grouped by subject. It seeks to show the progressive development of
Executive Committee deliberations on a given topic over time, and to add a reference tool
to the chronological arrangement of Executive Committee Conclusions already published
The first edition of this compilation was published in 2001 to mark the 50th anniversary of

Development policy and security policy: An alliance with conflict (management) potential

Journal Articles & Books
Juin, 2009

In Germany, the debate about the security/development nexus is gathering pace. The reality of life in crisis regions, the management of post-conflict situations and the precautionary anticipation of demands arising in the context of crisis management all require the highest level of coordination at political and local level and on a cross-sectoral basis. Long-term improvement of this coordination, both vertical and horizontal, is the most important resource factor for these two policy areas and can be achieved without mobilising additional budget funds.

Escalating Land Conflicts in Uganda

Reports & Research
Juin, 2009

Includes landlord-tenant relations, the Kibaale land question, pastoralists, gazetted land, IDPs and returnees in Northern Uganda, conflicts about refugee resettlement camps, the impact of oil discoveries, deficits in dispute resolution and land administration, corruption, ignorance of the law.

Land, Business and Human Rights

Journal Articles & Books
Juin, 2009

This is the first of a series of consultations on the human rights challenges and dilemmas involved in the
acquisition and use of land – held individually or collectively - for private or state-owned business and
economic purposes. The aim of the series of consultations is to develop a framework that leads to an end of
human rights abuses at any stage of the process – before acquisition, during acquisition, and after operations
have commenced and, if necessary, relocation and rehabilitation arranged, and compensation paid.

La proximité de la justice: Rapport Socio-Juridique sur les Mode de Gestion de Conflits Foncier

Reports & Research
Mai, 2009

Ce rapport, qui s’inscrit dans l’objectif du programme de RCN Justice & De?mocratie «Pour une justice de proximite? », pre?sente les re?sultats d’une e?tude des modes de re?solution de conflits fonciers par les syste?mes judiciaires et pre? judiciaires au Rwanda et propose des mesures pour rapprocher la justice de la population. Deux exemples peuvent servir a? introduire le genre de conflits fonciers typiques au Rwanda et les questions sociales que ces conflits soule?vent.

The Changing Terrain of Land Use Conflicts in Tanzania and the Future of a Small Producer

Conference Papers & Reports
Mai, 2009

Land use conflicts are common phenomena in Tanzania and the world at large. One major reason before going to specific cases hinges on the fact that land does not expand while people and other living organizations that depend on it keeps on increasing on the early surface. This un matching ratio between land as basic resources for livelihoods and its users constantly results into land use conflicts.


Journal Articles & Books
Mai, 2009

This analysis and recommendations stem from USAID/Kenya’s request for an assessment of Kenya’s draft National Land Policy (dNLP).4 It was conducted under the global task order: Property Rights and Resource Governance Program, a mechanism designed and supervised by USAID-EGAT’s Land Resources Management Team under the Office of Natural Resources Management.


Policy Papers & Briefs
Mars, 2009

This paper presents the results of a study on property rights in land and biodiversity resources in the Acholi Sub-region. The objective of the study was to map out the changes that have taken place in the sub-region since the dawn of colonialism and how these changes have impacted on the contemporary property rights structure in land and biodiversity resources in the sub-region.