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Accelerate Aspirations: Moving Together to Achieve Systems Change

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Janvier, 2023

To solve some of our greatest global challenges we need to accelerate how we use data for good. But to truly make data-driven tools that serve society, we must re-imagine data for social impact more broadly, more inclusively, and in a more
interdisciplinary way.This is easy to talk about, but harder to act on as we work to build a new field of data for social impact.

The Future of Open Data

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Avril, 2022

The Future of Open Data flows from a multi-year Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant project that set out to explore open government geospatial data from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Land Portal Annual Report 2021

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Février, 2022

Letter from the Team Leader

The Land Portal Foundation is proud to support land stakeholders around the world to nurture a growing information ecosystem that is informing and improving land-related decision-making, policy, and practice at all levels.

Rapport annuel Land Portal 2021

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Février, 2022

La Land Portal Foundation est fière de soutenir les parties prenantes du secteur foncier dans le monde entier afin d'alimenter un écosystème d'information croissant qui informe et améliore les décisions, les politiques et les pratiques liées au foncier à tous les niveaux.

Relatório Anual do Land Portal 2021

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Février, 2022

A Land Portal Foundation se orgulha de apoiar pessoas interessadas na terra ao redor do mundo para nutrir um crescente ecossistema de informação que está informando e melhorando as decisões, políticas e práticas relacionadas à terra em todos os níveis.

Informe Anual Land Portal 2021

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Février, 2022

La Fundación Land Portal se enorgullece de apoyar a los actores involucrados en la tierra en todo el mundo para alimentar un creciente ecosistema de información que está informando y mejorando la toma de decisiones, la política y la práctica relacionadas con la tierra en todos los niveles.