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Land Acquisition (Promoters) Act.

LandLibrary Resource
Amérique centrale

Subject to the provisions of this Act, a promoter may acquire land compulsorily. A “promoter” means any corporation, company or person desirous of acquiring land under the provisions of this Act. The Promoter shall apply to the Minister for the acquisition of lands. A compulsory acquisition shall be approved by the General Assembly.

Ordonnance nº 0043/pr-m portant création de la mission d’aménagement du territoire.

LandLibrary Resource
Afrique occidentale

Il est créé, pour une durée de cinq (5) ans, un service rattaché dénommé mission d’aménagement du territoire. ayant pour mission d’assister le ministre chargé de l’aménagement du territoire dans l’élaboration de la politique nationale en matière d’aménagement du territoire et le suivi de la mise en oeuvre de cette politique

Foreshore Licences Act 1945.

LandLibrary Resource
Amérique septentrionale

This Act prohibits the carrying out of foreshore works other than with a foreshore license to be applied for under section 3 to the Minister responsible for development and planning.

Land (Amendment) Act 1999 (No. 8 of 1999).

LandLibrary Resource

Section 19 of the Principal Act is amended in subsections (3) and (7) by inserting the following after the word "leases": "(1) (including sub-leases)". Section 109 (2) of the Principal Act is amended by inserting a comma at the end thereof and adding the following: "or he may sell the lease or sub-lease if the mortgaged land is a leasehold". Form No.

Planning Act 1990 ( revised version 1998).

LandLibrary Resource
Asia du sud-est

This Act provides for the urban and not only land development in Singapore, the responsibilities of the land tenants and owners, the planning of construction, restoration or building activtities, the imposition of land fees for the further use and exploitation of land in the territory of Singapore.

Law on Energy (No. 56).

LandLibrary Resource
Fédération de Russie
Asie central

The Law determines the basic principles of the organization and regulation of activities in the fuel and energy sector. All primary energy resources shall be the exclusive property of the state and the management thereof shall be subject to licensing.

Trust Act of 1994.

LandLibrary Resource
Îles Marshall

This Act: (A) provides for the creation of trusts, powers and functions of trusts, the registration of trusts and the appointment of trustees by court, etc.; (B) and contains provisions regarding the validity of a trust: and (C) defines which property may be placed in trust.

Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Regions Law (Law No. 9/98).

LandLibrary Resource
Asia du sud-est

The purpose of this Law is to protect and preserve cultural heritage regions form deterioration due to natural disasters or from man made destruction. The Law consists of 9 Chapters divided into 30 sections.The Ministry of Culture shall designate the following zones to be cultural heritage regions: ancient monumental zones, ancient site zones, and protected and preserved zones (Chapter III).

Municipal Act, 1999.

LandLibrary Resource
Asie méridionale

This Act provides for the establishment of Municipal corporations as legal entities with powers to forge partnerships between the Municipal Corporation, residents, businesses and industries for the effective development and governance of Bhutan's urban communities.

Decree-Law No. 192/2000 on prevention and control of the pollution caused by certain activities.

LandLibrary Resource
Europe méridionale

This Decree-Law is composed of 44 articles and three annexes divided in six Chapters. It regulates prevention and control measures against the pollution caused by certain activities, with the aim of reducing their impact over air, water, noise and soil. The list of activities is provided in the annexes, as well as the maximum emission values allowed.