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This Law, divided into 5 Chapters, provides for the privatization of rural lands in Lithuania and aims at regulating landownership relations and land reform procedure. Chapter 1 contains general provisions. Chapter 2 ("Acquisition of land as private property) reaffirms the right to private…


This Law regulates the use, management and protection of natural resources in the interest of ecological safety and economic development. It is composed of ten chapters and four annexes. After defining and classifying natural resources (renewable, non-renewable, national, local, reserved and…


This Law regulates the privatization of agricultural cooperatives and collective farms. Its 13 articles are entitled as follows: Objectives (1); facilities subject to privatization (2); Persons entitled to acquisition rights of agricultural enterprise property subject to privatization (3);…


The aim of this Law is to define the basic concepts and procedures for the privatisation of property in Moldova. All branches of the country's economic, cultural and social sectors are open to privatisation, except national defence, cultural heritage, state monopolies and property which…


The aid granted under these Regulations aims at the management of land of broadleaved woodland compatible with the requirements of the protection of the environment the beneficiaries of aid shall conclude an agreement with the Secretary of State in which management requirements laid down in the…


This Act specifies the rights and responsibilities of the Republic of Macedonia, legal entities and persons, in the providing of pre-requisites for environment and nature protection and promotion, with the purpose of implementing the right of citizens to healthy environment.
Repealed by:…


This Decree allows the County Agricultural Councils to delegate matters relating to redistribution of land up to a certain size and the preparation of land regulation plans pursuant to sections of the Land Reform Act to the County Agricultural Chief or the Forestry Chief and allows the…


Les articles suivants du susdit règlement sont modifiés: L'article 2 contenant les diverses zones du plan d'aménagement global; l'article 3 sur la zone non-aedificandi; l'article 4 traitant la zone d'activité économique sud; l'article 5 sur la zone verte. Après l…


The newly established register is functionally classified as a sub-register of the Rural Activities Register pursuant to Act 1515 of 1994. Reference is made to Council Regulation (EEG) No. 3508/92 in relation with the numbering and identification system.


These Regulations provide for aid to eligible persons, defined in regulation 2, who undertake not to use eligible land for agricultural purposes for a period of 10 years. The beneficiary agrees with the Secretary of State upon a programme of management for the land and shall comply with…


These Regulations implement Community legislation on agricultural production methods compatible with the requirements of the protection of the environment and the maintenance of the countryside. The Regulations provide for the payment of aid to eligible persons who in respect of eligible land…


La Ley consta de 8 títulos, 37 artículos, 1 disposición transitoria, 1 adicional y 1 final. INDICE: Disposiciones generales (título preliminar); Directrices regionales de ordenación territorial (I); Directrices comarcales de ordenación territorial (II); Planes directores sectoriales (III);…