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Policy Papers & Briefs
Mars 2014

The Menarid Knowledge Management initiative offers three services that will improve the effectiveness and wider use of IFAD projects – and potentially other rural development initiatives active in sustainable land and water management.

Institutional & promotional materials
Février 2014

MENA’s permanent cropland – currently at less than 6% of the total land area – is shrinking due to serious land degradation and recurrent droughts. The region faces the most severe water shortage in the world with annual renewable water resources per capita estimated to decline from 1,045 m3/yr…

Institutional & promotional materials
Février 2014

This document is a synthesis of outcomes from a knowledge process that was a collaborative effort involving researchers, scientists, and technicians from Iran, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, and Yemen.

Décembre 2013

There is a general consensus among academics, politicians and social movements, that BRICS as ‘new donors’ are increasing both their quantitative and qualitative role in defining what is considered to be ‘the world economic order’.
In particular, several authors have underlined the…

Décembre 2013

In Africa, mining activities are undertaken by private foreign entities, which pay taxes to the state. However, mining activities are not contributing as much as they should to national economies. Despite the increase in productivity and profits, the real benefits of mining have yet to be felt…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2013

Land degradation occurs in all continents and affects the livelihoods of millions of people, including a large proportion of
the poor in the drylands. Opuntiaficus-indica (L.) Mill. is a xerophytic cactus species, widely cultivated in arid and semi-arid regions
worldwide. As most of…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2013

Nel 2012 la tempesta tropicale Isaac e l’uragano Sandy hanno martoriato Haiti, danneggiando i raccolti, facendo straripare i fiumi, alla­gando le strade e bloccando l’accesso alle comunità. Mentre i prezzi ali­mentari aumentavano e i debiti crescevano, gli haitiani poveri hanno adot­tato misure…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2013

The 2013 Global Hunger Index (GHI), which reflects data from the period 2008-2012, shows that global hunger has improved since 1990, falling by one-third. Despite the progress made, the level of hunger in the world remains “serious,” with 870 million people going hungry, according to estimates…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2013

L’Indice de la faim dans le monde 2013 (GHI), élaboré à partir de données couvrant la période 2008-2012, montre que le niveau de la faim dans le monde s’est amélioré depuis 1990, diminuant d’un tiers. En dépit des progrès réalisés, le niveau de la faim demeure « grave », avec 870 millions de…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2013

Die globale Hungersituation hat sich seit 1990 verbessert, wie der Welthunger-Index 2013 anhand von Daten aus dem Zeitraum 2008-2012 zeigt. Der WHI ist um ein Drittel gesunken. Dennoch ist die weltweite Hungersituation nach wie vor „ernst“. 870 Millionen Men­schen hatten laut Schätzungen der…

Reports & Research
Décembre 2013

Research conducted in Mauritania.

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre 2013

Der Bericht zum Welthunger-Index 2013 – der achte in einer jährlich erscheinenden Serie – stellt die Entwicklung des weltweiten, regionalen und nationalen Hungers mittels eines mehrdimensionalen Indexwertes dar. Er zeigt, dass die Weltgemeinschaft bei der Bekämpfung des Hungers seit 1990 gewisse…