This publication provides practical and evidence-based guidance on how to improve women’s access to land as an essential element to achieve social and economic development and enjoyment of human rights, peace and stability in the specific context of the Muslim world. The challenges faced by…
This research activity titled “ROOT-ZONE SOC AND TN AS AFFECTED BY DW GENOTYPE AND MANAGEMENT, AND SILICON EFFECTS ON DROUGHT TOLERANCE OF BW GENOTYPES” was funded as part of the Project titled “Sustainability and Operationalization of Established Regional Agricultural Research Centers in Five…
À travers les regards croisés de l’économie et de la géographie, et sur la base de plusieurs études de cas démonstratives des transformations en cours au Maroc des usages des ressources communautaires, à la fois endogènes et en lien avec des impulsions extérieures, l’objectif de cet article est…
With current rates of land degradation reaching ten to twelve million ha per year, there is an urgent need to scale up and out successful, profitable and resource-efficient sustainable land management practices to maintain the health and resilience of the land that humans depend on. As much as…
The research Activity “Improvement of water productivity and adaptation to climate change through the development of integrated inputs (water and nitrogen) management options” was launched in 2015, and implemented by ICARDA in Morocco, in the frame of the Project titled “Sustainability and…
Non-tropical dry areas cover over 40% of the world’s land surface with a growing population of more than 2.5 billion people. These people grow 44% of the world’s food and keep half of the world’s livestock, yet one in six live in chronic poverty. Dry areas also face major challenges, including…
This document presents the Strategic Plan of the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas for the period from 2017 to 2026. ICARDA’s mission is to enhance food, water, and nutritional security and environmental health in the face of global challenges, including climate…
To help break the cycle of poverty, improve food and nutritional security, halt or reverse the alarming process of resource degradation in the dry areas, and help communities adapt to the impacts of climate variability and change, ICARDA’s Strategic Plan 2017-2026 outlines our research and…
Date : 10 octobre 2017
Source : <a href="">OCPPC</a>
Par : Fathallah Oualalou
L’objet de ce travail est de proposer la mise en place d’un partenariat de…
In Moroccan oases, date palm agricultural operations are mainly
manual and seldom implemented, contributing to palm grove
The introduction of small mechanization may reduce
drudgery, encourage/attract youths, increase labor
productivity and safety.
Des facteurs variés tels que les politiques publiques en faveur du relogement des populations démunies, la promotion de la privatisation des droits fonciers agricoles, ainsi que plus généralement la croissance économique ont favorisé l’étalement urbain dans les principales villes du Maghreb dont…
Expansion and development of urban areas require acquisition of land, which, in turn, often requires physical relocation of people who own or occupy this land. Land acquisition and resettlement may also be required to improve the lives of the more than 1 billion people who currently live in…