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This Regional Law establishes the modalities of legalization of the rights of ownership to public land plot allotted to a citizen for individual housing and suburban construction or for gardening if the documents of ownership by application of estate-leaver were not legalized during the lifetime…


This Regional Law establishes that agricultural land (including vegetable plots, hayfields, gardens, arable land, pastures) classified as such at the moment of entry into force of this Law can be transferred to other land categories.


This Regional Law establishes the modalities of granting preferential terms of payment for lease of public land, that can be granted to some categories of leaseholders in accordance with regional laws and by Governor’s Decrees exclusively within the period of current financial year.


This Regional Law establishes that maximum land area that can be owned or held in tenancy by subsistence farmers shall be 19 ha.


This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of state protection, conservation management and promotion of the objects of cultural heritage. Objects of cultural heritage shall include historical land-use planning of urban and inhabited areas, landscape architecture and urban forests.…


This Ministerial Decree regulates purchase and sale of agricultural land, organization of auction sale thereof, and the modalities of calculation of rent for lease of public agricultural land. Purchase and sale of the plots of agricultural land shall be carried out by the owners. In case of…


This Ministerial Decree establishes that the purpose of keeping the state land cadastre shall be to provide the state executive bodies of all levels, natural and legal persons with information regarding legal status and quality of land at the national, regional and local level and with the…


This Ministerial Decree validates the Regulation on transfer in lease and management of pastures and the form of contract for transfer of the plots of pasture areas. It classifies pastures as: (a) pastures for transhumance; (b) pastures for intensive management; (c) pastures located between…


This Ministerial Decree establishes that the system of land monitoring shall represent the system of observation and assessment of the state of land area for the purpose of timely identification of changes, land valuation, prevention and mitigation of the consequences of negative impact on soil…


This Order establishes the modalities of organization and carrying out land valuation activity, legalization of outcome thereof and access to information on land valuation. Land valuation shall be considered inventory of land areas in accordance with soil quality for subsequent cost valuation of…


This Regional Law establishes legal and economic grounds for state regulation of fertility of agricultural land with the consideration of conservation, reproduction and rational management of agricultural land by owners, tenants and lease holders. State of fertility of agricultural land shall be…


This Regional Law regulates relations in the sphere of land-use planning. Regional Government shall have the following competence: (a) land-use and territorial planning; (b) validation of land-use planning documentation; (c) issuance of authorization for construction on land parcels not covered…