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This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of carrying out territorial land use planning, and land surveys. Territorial land use planning shall be carried out by legal persons and individual entrepreneurs in accordance with contracts and on the initiative of local self-government bodies…


This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities by which the state shall evaluate land use planning documentation for compliance with the technical requirements and terms and conditions of land use planning. The Federal Land Cadastre Service shall evaluate the following land use planning…


This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities for state registration of soil fertility indices of agricultural land, which shall be a complete system of data collection and information processing in order to: (a) form a reliable database on the state and dynamics of soil fertility of…


This Federal Law guarantees the traditional rights of sparsely distributed indigenous peoples to protect their natural habitats, traditional ways of life, economic activities and fishing and hunting rights. An ethnic community with fewer than 50,000 persons living on ancestral land and…


This Regional Law establishes cases of allotment of public and municipal land free of charge in ownership to citizens. A plot of land on which is located a residence building owned by a citizen, and the owner of the aforesaid residential facility has never before obtained of plot of public or…


This Regional Law establishes rates of land allotment to citizens into ownership for agricultural purposes and maximum land areas to be allotted thereto. Maximum land areas shall be established as follows: (a) for gardening – 0,50 ha; (b) for horticulture and vegetable growing – 1,00 ha; (c) for…


This Regional Law establishes that maximum dimensions of land area allotted for subsistence farming that can be owned and (or) possessed in any other form by citizens carrying out subsistence farming shall amount to 25 ha.


This Regional Law establishes minimum and maximum land areas of agricultural land for production of agricultural commodities that can be allotted to citizens out of stock of public and municipal land. Minimum land area for agricultural production shall be 1.0 ha and maximum land area for…


This Order stipulates that, for the purpose of carrying out preventive, protective and rehabilitative measures, forests polluted by radionuclides shall be classified according to: (a) soil pollution density of Caesium-137; (b) soil pollution density of Strontium-90; and (c) other types of…


This Ministerial Decree stipulates that national parkland may be leased for recreational activities in accordance with land legislation, legislation on protected areas and this Regulation. The following plots of land located within the boundaries of any national park may be leased: (a) areas of…


This Instruction establishes the modalities of soil decontamination with methyl bromide in hothouses (irrespective of the form of property) for cucumber, tomato, pepper and aubergine plants, greens (lettuce, parsley and celery) and ornamental flowering plants to protect against terricolous pests…


This Regional Law establishes maximum land area of land parcels allotted in ownership to citizens free of charge as follows: (a) for peasant farms – 8 ha; (b) for gardening – 0,10 ha; (c) for horticulture – 0,10 ha; for suburban housing construction – 0,04 ha; (d) for subsistence farming – 0,15…