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  1. Library Resource


    International Conventions or Treaties
    Russia, Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Parties shall cooperate in the following forms: 1) production of topographic, geodetic and cartographic work; 2) aerial photography of the territories and data exchange of distant zoning; 3) elaboration and carrying out intergovernmental programs in the field of geodesy, cartography, distant zoning of the Earth, cadastre and geoinformation systems; 4) exchange of information regarding geographic study of the territory and the contents of the geographic maps (art. 1).

  2. Library Resource
    International Conventions or Treaties
    Monaco, Liechtenstein, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Western Europe, Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Northern Europe

    This Protocol has been adopted by the Contracting Parties to implement the Alpine Convention as regards soil conservation. The Protocol takes into account the functions of the Alpine soil as a natural resource, as an archive of natural history, as a location for agricultural use including pasture farming and forestry and as a source of raw materials.

  3. Library Resource

    КАБІНЕТ МІНІСТРІВ УКРАЇНИ ПОСТАНОВА від 3 березня 2004 р. N 220 Про затвердження Типового договору оренди землі.

    Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Premier decrees to validate the form of the Model Contract on lease of land. The form is attached to the Ministerial Decree.

  4. Library Resource
    France, Europe, Western Europe

    Le régime des autorisations d'urbanisme organisé par le code de l'urbanisme fait l'objet d’une réforme qui vise: à clarifier le droit de l'urbanisme, en réduisant le nombre des autorisations et en précisant leur champ d'application; à simplifier les procédures et à améliorer la sécurité juridique pour les collectivités et les citoyens.

  5. Library Resource
    Albania, Europe, Southern Europe

    Articles 5a and 23a are hereby added to Law No. 7501 on the land. Upon division of the land, the Land Commissions at the villages shall deposit the documentation on land distribution with the cadastre office of the competent district. Article 23a concerns the penalty to be applied to Land Commissions in case of violation of the criteria established by the Law for compiling documentation on land distribution.

    Amends: Land Law No. 7501. (1991-07-19)

  6. Library Resource
    Albania, Europe, Southern Europe

    The present Law lays down certain amendments to Law No. 7715, which amended Land Law No. 7501 on land leasing. According to the new provisions hereby established, the decision of the Municipality or Community Council adopted in accordance with article 21 of Law No. 7501 shall be executive title of final instance.

    Amends: Law No. 7715 amending Land Law No. 7501 establishing land leasing. (1993-06-02)

  7. Library Resource

    УКАЗ ПРЕЗИДЕНТА УКРАЇНИ Про деякі питання вдосконалення державного регулювання у сфері оцінки земель

    Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Europe

    Sub-item 4 of the item 4 of the Presidential Decree No. 970/2000 validating the Regulation on the State Committee on Land Resources shall acquire a new wording: "carrying out in conformity with the legislation the state regulation in the sphere of land valuation, keeping the State register of valuers and experts, elaboration of the proposals for the introduction of the methodology and the modalities of carrying out land valuation activity."

    Amends: Presidential Decree No. 970/2000 validating the Regulation on the State Committee on Land Resources. (2004-03-05)

  8. Library Resource

    Закон Республики Казахстан от 29 декабря 2003 года N 512-II О внесении изменений и дополнений в некоторые законодательные акты Республики Казахстан по вопросам регулирования земельных отношений

    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    Article 5 of the Law No. 214-1 on peasant farm acquires a new wording: «The plot of land of a peasant farm shall be inherited according to the modalities envisaged by the national legislation». Article 6 of the same Act acquires a new wording: «The plots of land for farming shall be allotted to the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan on condition of ownership or on condition of temporary charged lease for the period up to 49 years and for seasonal grazing on condition of temporary land tenure free of charge».

    Amends: Law No. 214-1 on peasant farm. (1998-03-31)

  9. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ О внесении изменения в Земельный кодекс Кыргызской Республики

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    Article 1 shall be supplemented with items 23 and 24 of the following contents: "23) homestead land – is not a plot of arable land but an allotment granted by state executive bodies or local self-government to citizens for individual construction with the adjoining plot of land; 24) lawn-and-garden land – is a plot of land granted by state executive bodies or local self-government to enterprises, institutions and citizens for the organization of gardening cooperatives for the purpose of production of agricultural commodities, vegetables and fruits."

  10. Library Resource

    ЗАКОН КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ О внесении изменения в Земельный кодекс Кыргызской Республики

    Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Asia, Central Asia

    Item 1 of the Article 35 shall be amended in the following manner: 1) the wording use restrictions shall be excluded; 2) paragraph 2 shall be excluded.

    Amends: Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic. (2013-11-15)

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