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Showing items 469 through 477 of 536.The Global Programme 'Responsible Land Policy' (GPRLP) is part of the Special Initiative 'One World, No Hunger' of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which aims to reduce extreme poverty and hunger.
Laos plans to graduate from least developed country status by 2024. To spur economic growth, the Lao government builds on a resource-based export economy, major mining projects, the constructions of dams, and the expansion of plantation agriculture.
ສປປ ລາວ ມີແຜນຈະຫ ຼຸດພ ົ້ນອອກຈາກການເປັນປະເທດດ້ອຍພັດທະນາໃນປີ 2024. ເພ ື່ອກະຕ ້ນການເຕີບໂຕທາງດ້ານເສດຖະກິດ, ລັດຖະບານລາວໄດ້ເລັົ່ງໃສ່ເສດຖະກິດ ສ ົ່ງອອກທີື່ອີງໃສ່ຊັບພະຍາກອນທໍາມະຊາດ, ເຊັົ່ນ: ໂຄງການບ ໍ່ແຮ່ຂະໜາດໃຫຍ່, ການ ກ ໍ່ສ້າງເຂ ື່ອນໄຟຟ້າພະລັງນໍ້າ ແລະ ການຂະຫຍາຍການປູກພ ດກະສິກໍາ.
With around 7.4 million inhabitants, Laos is relatively sparsely populated. Over 70% of Laotians depend directly or indirectly on agriculture and forestry for their living.
Die Landnutzungsplanung hat in der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Laos eine lange Geschichte und wird
ການວາງແຜນນຳໃຊ້ທີ່ດິນມີປະຫວັດຄວາມເປັນມາອັນຍາວນານໃນ ສປປ ລາວ ແລະ ໄດ້ຖືກນຳໃຊ້ຜ່ານຫຼາຍຮູບແບບໃນທົ່ວປະເທດຕັ້ງແຕ່ຊຸມປີ 1990 (Ling, 2017).
This manual is aimed at communities in Ethiopia and provides guidance on what they can do to prevent and minimize conflicts with investors or to resolve them to their satisfaction.
This publication aims to provide practical guidance for government officials in improving their skills related to agriculture extension service provisions to large-scale agricultural investments.
This publication aims to provide practical guidance for investors in improving their agribusiness management skills. It is meant to be used along with the full version as well as with the RGIL “Introductory Manual on Responsible Land-based Investments” for Investors.
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