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Displaying 1369 - 1380 of 1707
15 Janeiro 2020
Mike Kubzansky
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes heureux de marquer le lancement officiel de PlaceFund, une organisation américaine indépendante à but non lucratif qui se consacre aux problèmes de l'insécurité des droits de propriété, de l'utilisation non durable des terres et du changement climatique. Construit sur une…
15 Janeiro 2020
Mike Kubzansky
Hoje, temos o prazer de anunciar o lançamento oficial do PlaceFund, uma organização independente sem fins lucrativos dos EUA, focada em resolver questões de insegurança dos direitos de propiedade, uso insustentável da terra e mudanças climáticas. Estabelecida ha uma década como a iniciativa de…
7 Janeiro 2020
Evgeniya Anisimova
A recent policy seminar at IFPRI presented an upcoming CGIAR publication on the topic   What does research reveal about how agriculture and natural resource management can advance gender equality? And why is it important to ask this question, rather than the more standard question of what gender…
7 Janeiro 2020
Fiona Flintan
The Rangelands Initiative of the International Land Coalition (ILC) is drawing attention to rangelands and drylands at the highest levels, in order to find solutions to the challenges faced by local populations that live and work there, and to encourage appropriate investment including in securing…
17 Dezembro 2019
Francisco Carranza
Participation and sectoriality in development “Participation” and “local solutions” born out of the empowerment of groups or individuals have become, over time, very common elements to be found in the narrative of development projects and programmes. Public consultations and hearings have even…
10 Dezembro 2019
A areia é o segundo recurso mais consumido no mundo. O crescimento populacional e o aumento exponencial de seu uso estão colocando a sua disponibilidade em risco. Os seres humanos podem ficar sem areia em algumas décadas.   Por Enzo Campetella   Um relatório revelador da BBC Future mostra como esse…
4 Dezembro 2019
Author: Priti Darooka [1] with contributions by Farida Akhter  I want to thank IWRAW Asia Pacific for organising a two day strategic dialogue on Women Human Rights and Climate Justice. Some of the points shared here are points discussed at this dialogue in Bangkok in November 2019.  I also want…
28 Novembro 2019
The session ”Exploring tools and approaches towards responsible youth and gender sensitive land governance and transparency in Africa” took place on November 27th, 2019 in the framework of the Conference on Land Policy in Africa and was organized by the Global Land Tool Network and the…
26 Novembro 2019
Date: 18 novembre 2019 Source: Inf'OGM Par: Frédéric PRAT L’autonomie paysanne a été l’un des thèmes choisis lors d’une réunion internationale autour des semences paysannes. Récit de débats parfois agités, toujours passionnants, pour identifier les freins à cette autonomie et partager des…
26 Novembro 2019
Clinton Omusula
The land sector is increasingly being cited as a corruption hub. Many countries across the globe are grappling with land-related corruption that dates to the colonial years and which have metamorphosed into historical injustices and continue to be a source of conflict and violation of basic human…
20 Novembro 2019
Por : Sofía Calil La disputa por la tierra siempre ha puesto en tensión el poder económico y político. Actualmente, el derecho a la tierra no es concebido como un derecho humano fundamental en el ámbito internacional. Transitar por este camino es esencial para resolver problemas globales como la…
15 Novembro 2019
Ms. Laura Meggiolaro
At CFS 46, the Land Portal had the opportunity to be the co-organizer of the side event How the VGGT have changed rural women’s lives:  Key strategies and innovations towards gender equality together with GLTN Unit UN-Habitat, the Cadasta Foundation and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the…