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Displaying 1357 - 1368 of 1707
22 Abril 2020
Michael Taylor
This is a special Earth Day Op-Ed by Michel Forst, the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders and Michael Taylor, the Director of the International Land Coalition Secretariat. The world has come together in the fight against a common enemy in COVID-19; a force so strong…
18 Abril 2020
Por: Paula Palomanes   Cada 17 de abril se conmemora el Día Internacional de la Lucha Campesina. Desde el Centro de Desenvolvemento Rural Portas Abertas reclamaron este viernes un modelo agroganadero "máis xusto e sostible".    Defender un sistema productivo agrario fuerte, sostenible y respetuoso…
15 Abril 2020
por Thelma Gómez Durán   Fragmentar ecosistemas y perder diversidad de especies son factores que contribuyen a crear “zonas de riesgo”, en donde se incrementa la posibilidad de tener brotes de enfermedades causadas por diversos patógenos.   A principios de la década de los noventa, en el área…
14 Abril 2020
  Par: Guillaume Faburel Source: Date: 04/02/2020   Ces temps de confinement sont très productifs. D’abord pour les métiers vitaux, du soin et de la livraison, parfois au péril de leur vie. Puis, dans un registre bien différent, abrité derrière les écrans, c’est le printemps des…
1 Abril 2020
Lorenzo Cotula
International standards can help businesses fill gaps in national law, but addressing issues at scale requires systemic governance reform.                                               Investments with large land footprints –…
23 Fevereiro 2020
As florestas naturais capturam muito mais CO2 do que as artificiais. Um novo estudo não apenas confirma isso, mas demonstra que as florestas naturais (e por isso mesmo bem mais ricas em biodiversidade) funcionam melhor do que as monoculturas e as plantações dominadas por uma única espécie.   Por:…
30 Janeiro 2020
Dr. Elizabeth Daley
I write this blog as our project team embarks on a fifth year of work on women’s land tenure security (WOLTS) with pastoral communities in mining-affected areas of Mongolia and Tanzania. Just before Christmas 2019, we were in Mundarara village in northern Tanzania. Exceptionally heavy rains made…
28 Janeiro 2020
Sam Greene
The 14th community-based adaption event (CBA14) will call on local communities to use their collective power to hold climate decision makers to account. A run of international political events in 2019 marked key moments for influencing the climate action agenda, including this September’s UN…
25 Janeiro 2020
Julie Mollins
El reconocimiento de derechos es crucial para abordar el calentamiento global y el cambio climático Los pueblos indígenas han tenido durante milenios un historial de gestión sostenible de los paisajes. Sin embargo, las incursiones en sus territorios, a menudo por colonos involucrados en la…
15 Janeiro 2020
Mike Kubzansky
Today we are pleased to mark the official launch of PlaceFund, an independent US nonprofit organization focused on addressing issues of insecure property rights, unsustainable land use, and climate change. Built off a decade as the Property Rights initiative at Omidyar Network, PlaceFund will…
15 Janeiro 2020
Mike Kubzansky
Today we are pleased to mark the official launch of PlaceFund, an independent US nonprofit organization focused on addressing issues of insecure property rights, unsustainable land use, and climate change. Built off a decade as the Property Rights initiative at Omidyar Network, PlaceFund will…
15 Janeiro 2020
Mike Kubzansky
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes heureux de marquer le lancement officiel de PlaceFund, une organisation américaine indépendante à but non lucratif qui se consacre aux problèmes de l'insécurité des droits de propriété, de l'utilisation non durable des terres et du changement climatique. Construit sur une…