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Countries Global related Event


Displaying 241 - 252 of 1080
30 Junho 2020
This workshop, organized by the People´s Sovereignty network, aims at sharing the experiences of social movement and civil society activists from different regions of the world who are struggling to defend their rights and sovereignty over their territories and lives. All over the world, financial…
People’s Sovereignty Network
30 Junho 2020
Este taller, organizado por la Red de la Soberanía de los Pueblos, tiene por objeto compartir las experiencias de activistas de movimientos sociales y de la sociedad civil de diferentes regiones del mundo que luchan por defender sus derechos y la soberanía sobre sus territorios y sus vidas. En todo…
People’s Sovereignty Network
30 Junho 2020
The interconnection of land rights and climate responses at micro, meso and macro level.   This webinar aims to explore the following question:   What kind of land governance will foster adequate climate response actions?     Oxfam and partners in many countries are confronted with this two-sided…
LANDac, Oxfam Novib, Land Portal Foundation, International Land Coalition, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Tropenbos International
29 Junho 2020 to 3 Julho 2020
Junte-se a nós no encontro online da LANDac 2020! Este evento reunirá uma comunidade que discute governança da terra para fazer um balanço das pesquisas, políticas e práticas de todo o mundo, além de refletir sobre a atual crise do COVID-19, à medida que observações alarmantes estão surgindo sobre…
29 Junho 2020 to 3 Julho 2020
Online ss
Welcome to the LANDac Online Encounter 2020! LANDac – the Netherlands Academy on Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development – brings together researchers, policy makers, development practitioners and business professionals in the field of land governance and development. Despite…
LANDac, Agriterra, Utrecht University, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, African Studies Centre Leiden, Royal Tropical Institute, Land Portal Foundation, Oxfam Novib, Wageningen University & Research, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation
1 Julho 2020
In this webinar, LANDac, the LANDdialogue and the Land Portal Foundation will take stock of the emerging insights on the immediate and mid- to long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on equitable and sustainable land governance.   The discussion will build on previous efforts of the broader…
LANDac, Land Portal Foundation
15 Julho 2020
Join us for the online launch of Prindex, the world’s first global survey measuring how secure people feel in their land and property rights. Having previously published data and analysis for 33 countries, Prindex is now poised to release its full global dataset of 140 countries. The event is a…
Land Portal Foundation, Prindex
16 Julho 2020
Date: 16 juillet 2020, 15:00-16:30 CEST (anglais) Pendant l'épidémie de COVID-19, les peuples autochtones ont souligné que l'impact de la pandémie sur leurs moyens d'existence et la sécurité alimentaire dépendait largement de la santé et du bon fonctionnement de leurs systèmes alimentaires. Cet…
15 Julho 2020
Acompáñenos en el lanzamiento en línea de Prindex, la primera encuesta mundial que mide la seguridad de las personas en cuanto a sus derechos de tierra y propiedad. Habiendo publicado previamente datos y análisis de 33 países, Prindex está ahora preparado para publicar su conjunto de datos globales…
16 Julho 2020
Acknowledging the centrality of land issues to end hunger and achieve sustainable development, countries have agreed to meet ambitious land targets by 2030. Five years into the SDGs, persistent land insecurity, land evictions, threats to land rights defenders and other challenges show that the land…
Land Portal Foundation, Landesa - Rural Development Institute, International Land Coalition
22 Julho 2020
Global commitments to women’s land rights have never been stronger, yet there are gaps in rigorous evidence on the effectiveness of particular strategies to strengthen women’s land rights in practice. In this webinar we will host a forward looking discussion on gaps and opportunities for research…
Land Portal Foundation, Resource Equity
22 Julho 2020
    Date: Mercredi 22 juillet 2020 Heure: 9:00 - 10:30 EST - 3:00 - 4:30 CEST   Les engagements mondiaux pour les droits fonciers des femmes n’ont jamais été aussi importants. Cependant, dans les faits, il existe des écarts dans l’effectivité des différentes stratégies mises en oeuvre pour…
Land Portal Foundation, Resource Equity