New team to resolve dispute over online land transactions
A stalemate over activation of an online platform that may exclude lawyers from the multi-billion shilling land conveyancing business has been referred to a soon-to-be formed taskforce.
A stalemate over activation of an online platform that may exclude lawyers from the multi-billion shilling land conveyancing business has been referred to a soon-to-be formed taskforce.
The Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT), was developed under the Committee on World Food Security as a result of collaboration among different groups of stakeholders – governments, civil society, private sector, academia. The VGGT is intended to provide a framework for responsible tenure governance that supports food security, poverty alleviation, sustainable resource use and environmental protection.
The Annual Country Reviews reflect upon current land issues in the Mekong Region, and has been produced for researchers, practitioners and policy advocates operating in the field. Specialists have been selected from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam to briefly answer the following two questions:
1. What are the most pressing issues involving land governance in your country?
2. What are the most important issues for the researcher on land?
Tenure risk – or the risk of dispute between investors and local people over land or natural resource claims – is endemic in emerging markets. There are hundreds of recorded incidents of tenure disputes creating delays, violence, project cancellation and even bankruptcy at a corporate level. These tenure disputes create lose-lose outcomes for investors, local people and national governments while robbing emerging markets of the developmental benefits of responsible land investments.
New research by the Quantifying Tenure Risk (QTR) initiative has revealed that land disputes can cause losses of up to $101 million across a range of agricultural projects in Africa, while at the same time causing significant harm and stress to local communities who have a claim to the land.
In response, the initiative has developed a new publicly available economic modelling tool to accurately determine the potential cost of a dispute in a bid to help companies avoid harmful investments.
A comunidade sertaneja de Forquilha está localizada entre os rios Paraíba e Balsas, município de Benedito Leite, Estado do Maranhão - Brasil. Formou-se no início do século XX, por causa da fartura de peixes e das terras férteis das margens dos rios, em pleno Cerrado. A comunidade, hoje conta com 19 Famílias em uma área de aproximadamente 504 hectares, que se auto identificam como sertanejos.
Hoje, uma porção do Vale do Guapiaçu, é ocupada por uma série de comunidades assentadas pelo Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA) ou via crédito fundiário pela Reforma Agrária de Mercado . Ao longo do tempo, foram diversos os grupos sociais que ocuparam a região e os processos de disputa por terra/ território pelos quais eles passaram, fazendo com que hoje, parte da formação
Desde 2016, luego de una década de pocos avances en la titulación de comunidades nativas (CCNN), varios proyectos de la cooperación internacional vienen brindando apoyo para el cumplimiento del compromiso del Estado peruano con los pueblos indígenas de la Amazonía. Estos proyectos de cooperación financiera y técnica colaboran con el Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (MINAGRI), como ente rector, y con las Direcciones Regionales Agrarias (DRA), como entidades ejecutoras.