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Issuesterras de pastagemLandLibrary Resource
There are 2, 164 content items of different types and languages related to terras de pastagem on the Land Portal.

terras de pastagem


Displaying 1789 - 1800 of 1813


Reports & Research
Novembro, 2018

Обеспечение пастбищных угодий является важной продолжающейся дискуссией из-за сложного планирования, необходимого для их использования, а также отсутствия признания или защиты. В интерактивном обсуждении, которое проходило с 29 января по 14 февраля 2018 года, 38 участников с 4 континентов обсудили основные проблемы, решения и извлеченные уроки, а также пути для многосторонних платформ. Горнодобывающая промышленность и расширение культур являются крупнейшими угрозами для пастбищных угодий, которые вызывают разрушение коридоров мобильности, захват земель и маргинализацию скотоводов.

Asegurando más los pastizales

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2018

Asegurar los pastizales es un  importante debate en curso, debido a la compleja planificación que su uso necesita y la falta de reconocimiento o protección. En un debate en línea del 29 de enero al 14 de febrero de 2018, 38 participantes de 4 continentes debatieron sobre los principales desafíos, soluciones y lecciones aprendidas, así como sobre vías para plataformas multiactores. La minería y la expansión de los cultivos son las mayores amenazas para los pastizales, que se derivan de la afección a de corredores de movilidad, el acaparamiento de tierras y la marginación de los pastores.

Integration of indigenous knowledge into land-use planning for the communal rangelands of Namibia

Dezembro, 2000
África subsariana

The paper argues that the indigenous knowledge of the Herero could provide the basis for better land-use policy and user rights in the communal lands of Namibia.This short article:reviews recent academic literaturelooks at the historical and legal backgound to land management in Namibiareports in 2 village field studies

Carrying capacity, rangeland degredation and livestock development for the communal rangelands of Botswana

Dezembro, 1992
África subsariana

Recent arguments have stated that the new livestock development policy will carry a high social cost, that the reality of range degradation in Botswana has been ignored, and that there is no basis for assuming that de-stocking would decrease the productivity of rangeland.

High-altitude rangelands and their interfaces in the Hindu Kush Himalayas

Janeiro, 2013

The interfaces between high-altitude rangelands and other ecosystems in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region such as forests, wetlands, and agricultural land are suffering from degradation, desertification, and soil erosion, which are further aggravated by climatic and anthropogenic factors. However, more information is needed on the ecological role of high-altitude rangelands and their interfaces as a basis for developing and implementing plans for conservation and sustainable management of these fragile ecosystems.

Land degradation, stocking rates and conservation policies in the communal rangelands of Botswana and Zimbabwe

Dezembro, 1989
África subsariana

This article suggests that communual rangeland management policies in Botswana and Zimbabwe are based on incorrect technical assumptions about the stability of semiarid rangelands, the nature of rangeland degradation, and the benefits of destocking. Consequently, inappropriate policies, stressing the need to destock and stabilise the rangelands, are pursued.Acknowledgement of the great instability but intrinsic resilience of rangeland would encourage the Governments to more favourable regard the opportunistic stocking strategies of the agro-pastoralists of the Communual Areas.

Carrying capacity, rangeland degradation and livestock development for the communal rangelands of Botswana

Dezembro, 1992
África subsariana

A useful debate is developing over carrying capacity and the degradation of communal rangelands in sub-Saharan Africa. With a few lonely exceptions, scientists and policy-makers have in the past claimed that degradation is universal and livestock productivity lowered because of overstocking on communal range. This position has been mainly dogmatic. More recent research has not supported dogmatists; hence the debate, which impinges on livestock development policy in Botswana.A new livestock development policy is being promoted by the Government of Botswana (Ministry of Agriculture 1991).

Role of policies and development interventions in pastoral resource management: the Borana rangelands in southern Ethiopia

Dezembro, 2002
África subsariana

Built on earlier quantitative assessment of the socio-economic drivers of the above changes, this paper focuses on the role of national level policies implemented in the area over the past decades, and how these have affected the traditional institutional setting that determines land use, property rights and pathways of livestock development.The paper uses a literature review combined with in-depth key informant and group interviews to identify key policies and interventions, assess their impacts and explore the responses and strategies adopted at both individual and community levels to cop

Enclosure if the East African rangelands: recent trends and their impact

Dezembro, 1987
África subsariana

This article discusses the enclosure of rangelands and registration of exclusive rights to grazing by individuals or groups of pastoralists. This trend has been increasing greatly over the last twenty years. This occurs because:it is encouraged by governments, planners and multi-lateral donor agencies in an attempt to 'rationalise'the use of rangelands.

Mapping and modelling the effects of land use and land management change on ecosystem services from local ecosystems and landscapes to global biomes

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2014
África do Sul
África austral

Herstel en duurzaam beheer van biodiversiteit en ecosysteemdiensten worden steeds meer geïntegreerd in nationaal en internationaal beleid. In dit proefschrift wordt een methodologie ontwikkeld voor de kwantificering van effecten van landmanagement op de ruimtelijke verspreiding van ecosysteemdiensten, zodat de door landmanagement veroorzaakte trade-offs tussen ecosysteemdiensten bepaald kunnen worden voor zowel lokale ecosystemen en landschappen als regionale en mondiale biomen. Een groot aantal ecosysteemdiensten zijn bestudeerd.