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Estudos Avançados

Estudos Avançados

A revista Estudos Avançados é uma publicação  quadrimestral do Instituto de Estudos Avançados da Universidade de São Paulo (IEA-USP). Seu site na internet é

Criada em dezembro de 1987, Estudos Avançados já consolidou sua posição como uma das principais revistas interdisciplinares brasileiras.

Ministry of Agriculture (Kenya)

Vision & Mission

Our Vision:

A secure and wealthy Nation anchored by an innovative, commercially oriented and competitive agricultural sector.

Our Mission:

To improve the livelihood of Kenyans and ensures food security through creation of an enabling environment and ensuring sustainable natural resource management.

International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement


The International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement -ILRI- was founded in 1955 as an independent, non-profit-making institute under the Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management, and Fisheries, with the mandate to collect and disseminate knowledge for better, and sustainable, use of land and water resources, especially in developing countries.

In performing its mandate, ILRI's core activities are:

TMG-ThinkTank for Sustainability


At TMG — Töpfer, Müller, Gaßner — Think Tank for Sustainability, we work to empower sustainability transformations by building bridges between different knowledge holders and connecting various communities of  practice. As an independent partner, TMG works with academia,  governments, the private sector and civil society to examine entrenched sustainability challenges, identify new opportunities and initiate innovative solutions for the implementation of international sustainable development agendas. 

Regional Land Management Unit


An important outcome of the 1972 UN Summit on Environment in Stockholm, Sweden, was the agreement between Kenya and Sweden to cooperate on soil conservation. As a result, the Kenya National Soil and Water Conservation Programme started in 1974 under the Ministry of Agriculture, with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency(Sida). In 1982, Sida established the Regional Soil Conservation Unit (RSCU) to disseminate soil and water conservation experiences in Kenya to other Countries in the region.

BonaRes Centre for Soil Research


The central motivation of the BonaRes Centre (Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ) is the transfer of existing and newly generated knowledge about soil functions into scientifically based decision support tools for soil management in the context of a sustainable bioeconomy. In future, it should be possible to make decisions on soil management options based on current scientific knowledge. This should protect soils with their diverse functions and steer their sustainable use as a bio-economic production factor.

Swiss Church Aid


HEKS champions the cause of a more humane and just world and a life in dignity. Internationally, HEKS/EPER focuses on rural community development, humanitarian aid and inter-church cooperation. 

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