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Gestiunea sistemului de susținere a antreprenoriatului agricol în contextul consolidării terenurilor agricole în Republica Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2020

În urma cercetărilor efectuate s-a evaluat corelaţia pozitivă între eficienţa tehnică a gospodăriilor ţărăneşti şi nivelul de consolidare a terenurilor agricole și s-a apreciat mărimea critică a dimensiunii gospodăriei ţărăneşti cu gradul minim al eficienţei tehnice. În calitate de obiect de cercetare a servit performanța economică a gospodăriilor ţărăneşti din Republica Moldova şi aportul consolidării terenurilor agricole în productivitatea și competitivitatea acestora.

Responsible investments in agriculture and food systems – A practical handbook for parliamentarians and parliamentary advisors

Manuals & Guidelines
Novembro, 2020

This Handbook provides a comprehensive and systematic overview of the role that Parliamentarians and Parliamentary Advisors can play in the creation of reliable, coherent, and transparent “enabling environments” in the range of areas related to investment in agriculture and food systems. It does so through guidance notes, examples of good practices, and very practical indications, and sets out key stages of processes and mechanisms for MPs and advisors to consider while promoting responsible investment in agriculture and food systems.

Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2020

The report, “Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations,” shows that forests and trees support human well-being and are critical to end poverty. It finds that forest-poverty dynamics are affected by a range of social, economic, political, and environmental context factors, such as rural outmigration, gender norms, remittance flows, and elite capture. The report’s key messages are highlighted below. Forests and trees can help the poor face global changes such as climate change. Benefits from forests and trees to human well-being are unevenly distributed.

Guidance for using the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions: a user-friendly framework for the verification, design and scaling up of Nature-based Solutions: first edition

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2020

IUCN unveiled a Global Standard providing the first-ever set of benchmarks for nature-based solutions to global challenges. The new IUCN Global Standard will help governments, business and civil society ensure the effectiveness of nature-based solutions and maximise their potential to help address climate change, biodiversity loss and other societal challenges on a global scale. The world is looking for durable and effective options to tackle global challenges such as climate change, food and water security, and now, economic recovery from the global pandemic.

Caring for soil is caring for life. Ensure 75% of soils are healthy by 2030 for healthy food, people, nature and climate : interim report of the mission board for soil health and food

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2020

Life on Earth depends on healthy soils. The soil under our feet is a living system – home to many fascinating plants and animals, whose invisible interactions ensure our well-being and that of the planet. Soils provide us with nutritious food and other products as well as with clean water and flourishing habitats for biodiversity. At the same time, soils can help slow the onset of climate change and make us more resilient to extreme climate events such as droughts and floods. Soils preserve our cultural heritage and are a key part of the landscapes that we all cherish.

Improving international soil governance – Analysis and recommendations. Final report

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2020

This study develops options for the German government to improve international soil governance in the short, medium and long term. The study first takes stock of existing international instruments and institutions that are relevant for soil protection and its governance at the international level. It as-sesses the actual and potential steering effect of, inter alia, the Desertification Convention, the Biodiversity Convention, the Paris Agreement and climate regime, regional treaties, FAO, UNEP, IPBES and IPCC.

IPBES Workshop on Biodiversity and Pandemics

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2020

Land use change is a major global driver of pandemic risk. Land usechange is a significant driver of the transmission and emergence of infectious diseases 40,177-179. Land use changeis cited as the cause of over 30% of emerging infectious diseases, and correlates significantly withthe emergence of novel zoonoses globally 13,180. However, the mechanisms by which diseases emergeare context-specific and scale-dependent.

Responsible investment in agriculture and food systems in Lao People's Democratic Republic: why it matters

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2020

The agricultural sector is a cornerstone of Lao PDR’s development strategy, employing over 70 percent of the population. However, agriculture is contributing only 16 percent of the country’s GDP due to factors including low productivity and lack of modernization, among other issues. To unlock the potential of agriculture to end poverty and hunger by 2030 and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals there is a need for more and better investment in agriculture.

Use of 3-Dimensional Videography as a Non-Lethal Way to Improve Visual Insect Sampling

Peer-reviewed publication
Setembro, 2020

Insects, the most diverse and abundant animal species on the planet, are critical in providing numerous ecosystem services which are significant to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs). In addition to the UN-SDGs, the UN has declared the period 2021–2030 as the “Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.” Insects, because of the ecosystem services they provide, are critical indicators of restoration success.

Remotely-Sensed Surface Temperature and Vegetation Status for the Assessment of Decadal Change in the Irrigated Land Cover of North-Central Victoria, Australia

Peer-reviewed publication
Setembro, 2020

Monitoring of irrigated land cover is important for both resource managers and farmers. An operational approach is presented to use the satellite-derived surface temperature and vegetation cover in order to distinguish between irrigated and non-irrigated land. Using an iterative thresholding procedure to minimize within-class variance, the bilevel segmentation of surface temperature and vegetation cover was achieved for each irrigation period (Spring, Summer and Autumn).

Bulletin Nyéléni N° 41

Institutional & promotional materials
Agosto, 2020

La terre a toujours été un bien très contesté. Le contrôle des terres et des ressources liées reflète les relations de pouvoir d’une région, d’un pays et constitue un indicateur des injustices sociales existantes. En même temps, ces ressources sont centrales dans la question des droits, des moyens d’existence et de l’identité de petits producteurs alimentaires. Depuis le début, elles ont été au cœur du mouvement pour la souveraineté alimentaire. Ce numéro de la Nyéléni Newsletter est la seconde édition de cette année consacrée au thème de la terre.