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Land, trees, and women

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2001
África Ocidental
Sudeste Asiático

This research report examines three questions that are central to IFPRI research: How do property-rights institutions affect efficiency and equity? How are resources allocated within households? Why does this matter from a policy perspective?

Land dispute resolution in Mozambique

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Dezembro, 2001
África austral
África subsariana

Successful adoption of natural resource management technologies requires that important fundamentals of property rights be established. Because disputes over property rights occur universally, the ability to successfully defend one's rights to property exercises a central influence on the tenure security necessary for technology adoption.

Farming secondary forests in Indonesia

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2001

Estimates of the area of swidden fallow secondary forest in Indonesia are inaccurate, partly because swidden agricultural practices giving rise to the secondary forest are heterogeneous. Throughout Indonesia, swidden agriculture is evolving into more intensive land use.

Evolution of land tenure institutions and development of agroforestry: evidence from customary land areas of Sumatra

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Maio, 2001

It is widely believed that land tenure insecurity under a customary tenure system leads to a socially inefficient resource allocation. This article demonstrates that the practice of granting secure individual ownership to tree planters spurs earlier tree planting, which is inefficient from the private point of view but could be efficient from the viewpoint of the global environment.

Nivel de conocimiento sobre manejo forestal sostenible del poblador de la provincia de Atalaya que participó del programa de capacitación del OSINFOR, 2017

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research

La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo fundamental determinar el nivel de conocimientos sobre manejo forestal sostenible que presenta el poblador de la Provincia de Atalaya – Departamento de Ucayali, que recibió capacitación del OSINFOR, aplicando la evaluación en el año 2017.