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Displaying 145 - 156 of 613

Cultural Assets in Support of Transition in the Europe and Central Asia Region : An Operational Perspective

Julho, 2014
Central Asia

The purpose ofthis report is to provide guidance to the staff of the World Bank's
Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Region with respect to mobilizing cultural assets to
support socioeconomic development in our country and regional work programs. To this
end it seeks to demonstrate how and when it makes sense for us to get involved in
activities related to cultural asset mobilization. Equally important, it also indicates how
and when we should leave cultural heritage activities to others. In particular, this report
addresses the following questions:

Converting Land into Affordable Housing Floor Space

Junho, 2014

Cities emerge from the spatial
concentration of people and economic activities. But spatial
concentration is not enough; the economic viability of
cities depends on people, ideas, and goods to move rapidly
across the urban area. This constant movement within dense
cities creates wealth but also various degrees of
unpleasantness and misery that economists call negative
externalities, such as congestion, pollution, and

Growth Poles Program : Political Economy of Social Capital

Junho, 2014

The Government of Sierra Leone (GosL)
and the World Bank (WB) have agreed upon the design and
implementation of a growth poles program (GPP) in support of
the agenda for prosperity (A4P), the GoSL's third
poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSPIII). With support
from the European Union competitive industries and
innovation practice trust fund, the WB has been undertaking
a series of scoping and diagnostic analyses on the GPP since

Poland - Public Land and Property Asset Management in Warsaw : Strategic Opportunities

Junho, 2014

The report is addressed to two
audiences: the World Bank team and the decision makers and
technical experts at the city administration who define the
future of land and asset management in Warsaw. The report
starts (section two) from reviewing municipal property
holdings and associated institutional arrangements. This
section focuses primarily on land and financial aspects of
asset management, due to the overall orientation of the

Fiscal Implications of the 18th Amendment : The Outlook for Provincial Finances

Junho, 2014

Following the transition to democracy in
2008, two very important political developments took place.
These were the announcement of the 7th National Finance
Commission Award, which was agreed upon in December 2009 in
Lahore, Pakistan, and the unanimous ratification by
Parliament of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution in
April 2010. Both developments have the potential of
fundamentally restructuring the way Pakistan is governed in

Logistics, Transport and Food
Prices in LAC : Policy Guidance for Improving Efficiency and
Reducing Costs

Junho, 2014

This introductory section explains the
rationale for the guidance note, reflecting on the relevance
of food prices in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC),
their impact on the poor and the effect that logistics and
transport costs have on those prices. Based upon that
framework, the note provides an overview of the logistics
and transport hurdles faced by importers and consumers in
the region as food products move through the logistics

City Development Strategy : Colombo

Junho, 2014

The Colombo Municipal Council (CMC), in
collaboration with the World Bank, UNDP, UNCHS (HABITAT) and
the Western Provincial Council (WPC) in Sri Lanka, launched
a project in February 2000 to formulate a comprehensive
strategy framework and a perspective plan of action for
development of the city. The purpose was to identify key
areas and issues that need systemic and planned attention of
the Council and other major stakeholders and to develop

City Development Strategy South Asia Region : Progress Report

Junho, 2014
Southern Asia

This report highlights the discussion,
processes, lessons learned in examining innovative options
for participation by all stakeholders in seeking new social
and economic contracts between civil society and urban
governments. The improvement in relationships is geared
towards providing better services for urban poor and
directly contributing to urban poverty alleviation. The
report attempts to capture the new wave of enthusiasm and

How Urban Concentration Affects Economic Growth

Junho, 2014

The author explores the issue of urban
over-concentration econometrically, using data from a panel
of 80 to 100 countries every 5 years from 1960 to 1995. He
finds the following: 1) At any level of development there is
indeed a best degree or national urban concentration. It
increases sharply as income rises, up to a per capita income
of about $ 5,000 (Penn World table purchasing parity
income), before declining modestly. The best degree of

Fiche pays No 5: Burkina Faso

Reports & Research
Maio, 2014
Burkina Faso

Notre revue historique du droit foncier au Burkina Faso montre qu’il y a un lien entre construction juridique de la propriété et construction de l’État. En disant qui est propriétaire et qui ne l’est pas, de même qu’en disant quels sont les régimes de propriété reconnus et quelles sont les preuves des faits de possession sur lesquels ils reposent, l’État construit son rapport avec son territoire et les sociétés locales qui le peuplent.

Urban Transport : Can Public-Private Partnerships Work?

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Maio, 2014
América Latina e Caribe

Cities exist, grow, and prosper because they take advantage of scale economies and specialization wrought by agglomeration. But output growth inevitably stresses transport infrastructure because production requires space and mobility. To prevent congestion from crowding out agglomeration benefits and to expand the supply of urban land, cities must invest in transport infrastructure. Yet balancing the growing demand for infrastructure with its supply is often difficult. In particular, many cities lack the funding to maintain and expand streets and urban highways.

Urbanization and the Geography of Development

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
Maio, 2014
África subsariana

This paper focuses on three interrelated questions on urbanization and the geography of development. First, although we herald cities with their industrial bases as "engines of growth," does industrialization in fact drive urbanization? While such relationships appear in the data, the process is not straightforward. Among developing countries, changes in income or industrialization correlate only weakly with changes in urbanization. This suggests that policy and institutional factors may also influence the urbanization process.