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Analysis of Land-Use Change in Shortandy District in Terms of Sustainable Development

Peer-reviewed publication
Maio, 2020

The suburban territories of large cities are transitional zones where intensive transformations in land use are constantly taking place. Therefore, the presented work is devoted to an integrated assessment of land use changes in the Shortandy district (Kazakhstan) based on an integrated study of the dynamics of land use and sustainable development indicators (SDIs). It was found that the main tendency in the land use of this Peri-urban area (PUA) during 1992–2018 is their intensification, through an increase in arable lands.

Community Development through the Empowerment of Indigenous Women in Cuetzalan Del Progreso, Mexico

Peer-reviewed publication
Maio, 2020
United States of America

Women are an underappreciated economic force who, when empowered by association with a female organization, can be a catalyst for development. To assess the status of Indigenous rural women, as well as the mechanisms and impacts of their empowerment, this paper presents a case study of a community development approach based on the Masehual Siuamej Mosenyolchicacauani organization in Cuetzalan del Progreso, Puebla.

Impact of national policies on patterns of built-up development: an assessment over three decades

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020

Globally, built-up development is taking place at unprecedented rates. To mitigate and limit its effects, recent scientific and spatial planning communities call for built-up management to be addressed on broader scales, from regional to national, and coordinated with multiple policy domains. In this paper, we aimed to analyze the evolution and impact of Romania’s national policies on built-up management during the entire period from the fall of the communist regime to the present.

Rethinking “development”: Land dispossession for the Rampal power plant in Bangladesh

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020

In this article, we critically review the developmental claims made for the construction of the Rampal power plant in southwestern Bangladesh, in the light of evidence about transformations of land control related to this construction project. Land has become a heavily contested resource in the salinity-intruded southwestern coastal area of Bangladesh. Changes in land control for the construction of the Rampal power plant and similar projects have intensified decades of struggles over rights and access to land.

Sécurisation foncière en Afrique: les cas du Maroc, la Tunisie et le Rwanda

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020

La sécurisation des droits fonciers a pour objectif de garantir les droits réels d’une personne sur un bien foncier. L’absence d’un régime de sécurisation fiable est un frein du développement socio-économique des pays africains. Cette étude vise la réalisation d’une comparaison entre les régimes de sécurisation foncière en Afrique à travers les cas de trois pays africains en voie de développement à savoir le Maroc, la Tunisie et le Rwanda. L’objectif étant de tirer les atouts et les faiblesses du régime adopté dans chacun de ces pays.

BTI 2020 Country Report Nepal

Reports & Research
Abril, 2020

The last two years have been a period of rebound and cautious optimism in Nepal. After having been hit by two large earthquakes in 2015 that killed over 9,000 people and rendered many more homeless, and having suffered through a long, tortuous constituent assembly process that finally resulted in a new constitution, the country has seen progress on political and economic fronts in the recent past. Governance, however, remains an issue.

Inclusive Landscape Governance for Sustainable Development: Assessment Methodology and Lessons for Civil Society Organizations

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020
South America
Central America

Landscape governance refers to the combination of rules and decision-making processes of civic, private, and public actors with stakes in the landscape, that together shape the future of that landscape. As part of the Green Livelihoods Alliance, a program that supports civil society organizations (CSOs) to strengthen the governance of tropical forested landscapes, we developed and implemented a method that facilitates stakeholders to assess the status of governance in their own landscape and to identify options for improvement.

Community-Led Green Land Acquisition: Social Innovative Initiatives for Forest Protection and Regional Development

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020
Costa Rica

Land acquisition often involves power and displacement and can be carried out on a large scale. There are many forms of land acquisition, including for environmental and conservation purposes as well as for production activities. While green grabbing has joined land grabbing as an environmental justice issue of concern, it is not necessarily the case that all green land acquisition is large scale, done by powerful outsiders, or leads to displacement and exclusion.

Land Inequality Trends and Drivers

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020

Land related inequality is a central component of the wider inequality that is one of the burning issues of our society today. It affects us all and directly determines the quality of life for billions of people who depend on land and related resources for their livelihoods. This paper explores land inequality based on a wide scoping of available information and identifies the main trends and their drivers. A wider conceptualization of what constitutes land inequality is suggested in response to shifts in how power is concentrated within the agri-food system.

A Bottom-Up and Top-Down Participatory Approach to Planning and Designing Local Urban Development: Evidence from an Urban University Center

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020

The urban area is characterized by different urban ecosystems that interact with different institutional levels, including different stakeholders and decision-makers, such as public administrations and governments. This can create many institutional conflicts in planning and designing the urban space. It would arguably be ideal for an urban area to be planned like a socio-ecological system where the urban ecosystem and institutional levels interact with each other in a multi-scale analysis.

Informe Latinoamericano sobre Pobreza y Desigualdad 2019, Juventud Rural y Territorio

Reports & Research
Março, 2020
América Latina y el Caribe

Cada dos años, desde 2011, Rimisp – Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural, publica su Informe Latinoamericano sobre Pobreza y Desigualdad, como un aporte a la discusión sobre estas temáticas desde la perspectiva particular de la desigualdad territorial, una de las aristas menos abordadas del problema, y que impacta con especial fuerza a los sectores rurales de América Latina.

ODS y Desarrollo Territorial Medición Experimental en el Norte Amazónico de Bolivia

Reports & Research
Março, 2020

El presente documento ODS Y DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL. Medición Experimental en el Norte Amazónico de Bolivia es un ejercicio de aplicación rigurosa de ocho de los 17 ODS, en un territorio delimitado, por una parte, para demostrar la utilidad de la medición y, por otra parte, para ejemplificar en la práctica las dificultades que se presentan y las respuestas metodológi- cas que es necesario hacer durante esa aplicación en espacios locales subnacionales.