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Integrating MODIS and Landsat Data for Land Cover Classification by Multilevel Decision Rule

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Fevereiro, 2021

In some cloudy and rainy regions, the cloud cover is high in moderate-high resolution remote sensing images collected by satellites with a low revisit cycle, such as Landsat. This presents an obstacle for classifying land cover in cloud-covered parts of the image.

Shoreline Dynamics in East Java Province, Indonesia, from 2000 to 2019 Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Fevereiro, 2021

Coastal regions are one of the most vulnerable areas to the effects of global warming, which is accompanied by an increase in mean sea level and changing shoreline configurations. In Indonesia, the socioeconomic importance of coastal regions where the most populated cities are located is high. However, shoreline changes in Indonesia are relatively understudied.

Influence of Urban Sprawl on Microclimate of Abbottabad, Pakistan

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Fevereiro, 2021

Urban centers are expanding rapidly due to quickly-increasing population which results in microclimate change due to lack of urban planning. Factors like degradation of green areas, trees, and vegetation are defining a new regime of urban environment giving rise to a lack of drinking water and lowering water tables.

Assessing sponge cities performance at city scale using remotely sensed LULC changes: Case study Nanjing

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Fevereiro, 2021

As a result of high-density urbanization and climate change, both the frequency and intensity of extreme urban rainfall are increasing. Drainage systems are not designed to cope with this increase, and as a result, floods are becoming more common in cities, particularly in the rapidly growing cities of China.

Making the Third Dimension (3D) Explicit in Hedonic Price Modelling: A Case Study of Xi’an, China

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2021

Recent rapid population growth and increasing urbanisation have led to fast vertical developments in urban areas. Therefore, in the context of the dynamic property market, factors related to the third dimension (3D) need to be considered.

Comparison of Simple Averaging and Latent Class Modeling to Estimate the Area of Land Cover in the Presence of Reference Data Variability

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2021
Hong Kong

Estimates of the area or percent area of the land cover classes within a study region are often based on the reference land cover class labels assigned by analysts interpreting satellite imagery and other ancillary spatial data. Different analysts interpreting the same spatial unit will not always agree on the land cover class label that should be assigned.

Geographic Information Systems and the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2021
United States of America

Sustainable development is socioeconomic growth that integrates political, economic, and social measures alongside environmental protection to meet the needs of communities and citizens without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The sustainable development concept was initially based on three main pillars: environment, economy, and society.

A Proposed Land Exchange Algorithm for Eliminating the External Plot Patchwork

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2021
United States of America

In many countries of the world, rural areas are characterized by a defective spatial structure of agricultural land. The most frequent defects are large fragmentation and distribution of farmland. The fragmentation of land has been an issue widely described by many authors throughout the world.

Tracking the Role of Policies and Economic Factors in Driving the Forest Change Trajectories within the Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Region of China: A Remote Sensing Perspective

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2021
United States of America

Though forest ecosystems play a critical role in enhancing ecological, environmental, economic, and societal sustainability, on a global scale, their future outlooks are uncertain given the wide-ranging threats they are exposed to.

Spatial Variations of Vegetation Index from Remote Sensing Linked to Soil Colloidal Status

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2021
United States of America

Recent decades have seen a progressive degradation of soils owing to an intensification of farming practices (weeding and high trafficking), increasing use of pesticides and fertilizers, mainly nitrogen, resulting in a steady decline in soil organic matter, a key component to maintain soil fertility.

Land Cover Change in the Blue Nile River Headwaters: Farmers’ Perceptions, Pressures, and Satellite-Based Mapping

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Janeiro, 2021

The headwaters of the Blue Nile River in Ethiopia contain fragile mountain ecosystems and are highly susceptible to land degradation that impacts water quality and flow dynamics in a major transboundary river system.

Evaluation des zones potentielles d’eaux souterraines avec l’utilisation des SIG et de la télédétection Cas du sous-bassin de la Sandougou (bassin de la Gambie)

LandLibrary Resource
Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2020

Groundwater is an important natural resource for domestic, agricultural and industrial use. Today, due to climate change, population growth, advanced irrigation practices and industrial uses, the demand for groundwater has increased considerably, and needs to be assessed. This article aims to delimit the potential groundwater zones in the Sandougou basin using GIS and remote sensing.