An Ordinance to provide for the Stopping and Diversion Highways and the substitution of new Highways in lieu thereof.
An Ordinance to provide for the Stopping and Diversion Highways and the substitution of new Highways in lieu thereof.
An Ordinance to repeal The Public Lands Ordinance, 1896, and to make other provisions in lieu thereof.
An Ordinance to Prevent Sketching, etc., by unauthorised Persons upon the Peninsula and Garrison of the Colony of Sierra Leone.
An Ordinance for giving Possession to the War Department of Land at Kortright Hill and Kennedy Ridge for the purpose of Constructing Barracks and a Rifle Range thereon
An Ordinance for vesting all Estates and Property in the Colony of Sierra Leone, in Africa, occupied by or for the Naval Service of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in the Lord High Admiral, or the Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of the said United Kingdom for the time being.
An Ordinance for Transferring to one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State the Powers and Estates within the Colony of Sierra Leone, in Africa, heretofore vested in the Principal Officers of the Ordnance.
Common approaches to mapping green infrastructure in urbanised landscapes invariably focus on measures of land use or land cover and associated functional or physical traits. However, such one-dimensional perspectives do not accurately capture the character and complexity of the landscapes in which urban inhabitants live.
Community and Customary Land - 12 files ...
Dispute Mechanisms and Approaches - 9 files...
General - 45 files
Human Rights - 14 files...
Land and the Ceasefire Process...
Land Grabbing - 68 files...
Land Titling - 7 files...
Community Mapping: Overcoming Complexities...
Free, Prior, Informed, Consent: Policy Brief...
Looks at agricultural leasehold rights, freehold tenure and land markets, foreign land ownership and tenure security, rentals and sharing of redistributed land, modifying customary rights, gender and class relations, farm workers, land administration and tenure security.
La acción de los grupos armados al margen de la ley ha generado profundas transformaciones en los territorios donde han logrado ejercer su control.
La Ley de Reforma Agraria de octubre de 1973, impuso severas penas a quienes mantenían la tierra explotada o inexplotada fuera del contexto de función social.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el derecho como un recurso empleado por los actores político-administrativos y sociales estratégicamente y con diversas funciones sociales en las políticas públicas territoriales, tomando como caso de análisis la Política Pública para la Prevención del Desplazamiento Forzado, la Protección, Reconocimiento, Restablecimiento y Reparación de la Población