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The Linkages between Real Estate Tourism and Urban Sprawl in Majorca (Balearic Islands, Spain)

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2013

Financial capitalism has driven profound changes in urban land use patterns in Majorca, at the Balearic Islands (Spain). This archipelago is a major tourist destination located in the Mediterranean basin, with 4,492 km2 of surface area, 1,113,114 inhabitants and 12,316,399 tourists (2011), of whom 29.9% came from Germany, 24% from the UK and 19% from the rest of Spain. Neoliberal state regulation has favored the elite’s financial interests in the real estate sector through transport megaproject investment and lifting regional planning restrictions which prevented urban growth.

Geographical and Statistical Analysis on the Relationship between Land-Use Mixture and Home-Based Trip Making and More: Case of Richmond, Virginia

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2013

Richmond, Virginia has implemented numerous mixed land-use policies to encourage non-private-vehicle commuting for decades based on the best practices of other cities and the assumption that land-use mixture would positively lead to trip reduction. This paper uses both Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and statistical tools to empirically test this hypothesis. With local land use and trip making data as inputs, it first calculates two common indices of land-use mixture - entropy and dissimilarity indices, using GIS tool, supplemented by Microsoft Excel.

Río Mapocho Tramo Inferior siglo XXI: avances para la definición y manejo de un polígono multifacético. /Mapocho River Lower Section XXI century: advances in defining and managing a multifaceted polygon.

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2013

La comprensión del río Mapocho como un simple cauce por el que circula agua, y eje de parques yuxtapuestos ya no sería suficiente para su integración a la región urbana en la perspectiva de la habitabilidad sustentable. Se reconoce a priori la existencia de un potencial posible de desarrollar bajo directrices de sustentabilidad para el Mapocho Inferior. Es posible su constitución en un corredor turístico-recreacional-ambiental y de movilidad tranquila depersonas y especies.

Impactos del desarrollo inmobiliario en localidades costeras del Área Metropolitana de Valparaíso, Chile./ Impact of real estate development of four coastal villages of Valparaiso Metropolitan Area.

Peer-reviewed publication
Junho, 2013

El presente artículo es un extracto de la investigación “Impacto del Desarrollo inmobiliario y turístico de pequeñas localidades balneario del litoral central chileno: localización de departamentos y resort, gentrificación urbano costera y nuevas demografías residenciales”,cuyo objetivo fue “estudiar el impacto que tiene el crecimiento del sector turístico-inmobiliario, sus efectos en la valorización del suelo urbano y recambio socio demográfico o inmigración queoperan en dos zonas de expansión del área metropolitana de Valparaíso, su eje Norte conformado por la intercomuna desde Concón has

Shelter Strategies for the Urban Poor: Idiosyncratic and Successful, but Hardly Mysterious

Junho, 2013

In 1986 the World Bank prepared a
strategy for low-income housing in developing countries.
This work grew out of the Bank's efforts to support the
urban poor through an extensive housing assistance program
that was launched by Bank President McNamara's speech
on urban poverty. By that time, the Bank had provided more
than $4 billion of such assistance, and had undertaken an
extensive research effort to design support for that

The Little Green Data Book 2004

Junho, 2013

The Little Green Data Book 2004 is based
on the World Development Indicators 2004, and represents a
succinct collection of information. It is a collaboration
between the Development Economics Data Development Group,
and the Environment Department of the World Bank. Under the
headings of agriculture, forests, biodiversity, energy,
emissions and pollution, water and sanitation, and
'greener' national accounts, it presents key

Poverty in the Brazilian Amazon: An Assessment of Poverty Focused on the State of Para

Junho, 2013

The states in the Brazilian Amazon have
made progress in reducing poverty and improving social
indicators in the last decade. Despite this progress, the
poverty rate in the Amazon is among the highest in Brazil.
As of 2000, rural poverty is the greatest challenge. In
Par?, not only is the headcount poverty rate of 58.4 percent
in rural areas more than 55 percent higher than headcount
poverty in urban areas, but also poverty is much deeper in

Maldives : Public Expenditure Review

Junho, 2013

The unifying theme of the public
expenditure review is the growth and poverty focus of public
expenditures, evolving around the question of how effective
public expenditures are in addressing Maldives'
overriding objective of reducing regional disparities and
income poverty, particularly in the outer atolls. Since
macroeconomic stability is a key prerequisite for sustained
high economic growth and poverty reduction, the soundness of

The Little Green Data Book 2003

Junho, 2013

The World Bank's mission is to
fight poverty for lasting results. Enhancing environmental
quality, improving natural resource management, and
maintaining global ecosystems are all important steps
towards this goal. Better environmental management can
improve people's livelihoods, health, and security
today and in the future. To achieve these lasting results we
need to start from a sound base of information that helps us

Analysis of the Economics of Tobacco in Morocco

Junho, 2013

This study of the tobacco industry and
taxation policy in Morocco summarizes tobacco expenditure
data from surveys, and looks at trends in these
expenditures. The taxation and price policy implemented by
the Moroccan government through the R?gie des Tabacs is
described, and the overall contribution of the industry to
tax revenues is estimated. The report briefly describes how
the industry is organized, including farming activities,

The Little Data Book 2001

Junho, 2013

This report is a pocket edition of the
"World Development Indicators (report no. 22099)."
It is intended as a quick reference for users of the World
Development Indicators 2001" book and CD-ROM, and of
the World Bank Atlas, which between them cover more than 600
indicators spanning more than 30 years. The 207 country
pages in this report present the latest available data for
World Bank members and other economies with populations of