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Assessment of Development Needs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in Eastern Sudan

Março, 2013

East Sudan has received a continuous
influx of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees
over the last forty years. Mass influxes were witnessed
during years when the region experienced natural
catastrophes as droughts and floods, or an escalation of
tensions and conflict in neighboring countries, mainly
Eritrea and Ethiopia. Presently there is still a steady but
smaller in numbers influx of refugees, mostly from Eritrea,

Study of Japanese Experiences on Sustainable Urban Development including Pollution Control and Management, Resource/Energy Efficiency and GHG Reduction

Março, 2013

In Japan, the sustainable development of
cities and provinces has been vigorously pursued since the
late 1990s under various programs through the initiative of
the central government and local authorities. In 2009, the
World Bank launched an urban development initiative called
Eco2 Cities: Ecological Cities as Economic Cities (Eco2
Cities Initiative) to help cities in developing countries
achieve greater synergistic ecological and economic

Cambodia - Poverty and Social Impact of the Global Economic Crises : Using the Past to Plan for the Future

Março, 2013

This paper discusses the progress made
by Cambodia from the early 90s to 2007, in reduction of
poverty incidence. Reduced poverty occurred in both urban
and rural areas, and was experienced by rich and poor, and
by men and women. Households, including those in the poorest
groups, have improved their housing quality, increased
ownership of motorbikes, televisions, and mobile phones, and
are better able to access and afford schools and healthcare.

Sustainable Colombia : A Comprehensive Colombian Footprint Review

Março, 2013

During the past several months, the
Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development
of Colombia has been researching potential indicators that
would be useful to assess and possibly adopt among which
included the ecological footprint. This work was
commissioned in order to provide the Ministry with a deeper
understanding of the ecological footprint and to train a
number of its staff on the scope of the footprint in order

Transforming Settlements of the Urban Poor in Uganda : A Secondary Cities Support Programme

Março, 2013

This report describes theTransforming
Settlements of the Urban Poor in Uganda. A Secondary Cities
Support Program (TSUPU), is the first national initiative
within the Cities Alliance's global programme, Land,
Services and Citizenship for the Urban Poor (LSC). The first
premise of the Medium Term Strategy is that the Cities
Alliance should prioritise working with those governments
already committed to change and reform over time for three

Preparing to Manage Natural Hazards and Climate Change Risks in Dakar, Senegal : A Spatial and Institutional Approach

Março, 2013

This report describes a pilot study of
natural risk hazards in the peri-urban extension areas of
the Dakar Metropolitan Area, Senegal. The area subject of
this study stretches across 580 square kilometers, covering
less than 1 percent of the national territory, but housing
about 50 percent of Senegal's urban population. Much of
the rapid population growth of the Dakar Metropolitan Area
is taking place beyond the boundaries of the Department of

An Evidence-Informed Response to Slum Settlements : A Learning Note

Training Resources & Tools
Março, 2013

This learning note prepares policymakers
to engage with their technical experts and staff in
designing and implementing an evidence-informed response to
the challenges of existing and future slum settlements. To
that end, the note discusses a set of indicators and data
analysis techniques needed in the identification and
characterization of slums as well as relevant lessons and
examples. In addition, the noted discusses the data

Africa Energy Poverty : G8 Energy Ministers Meeting 2009

Março, 2013

Worldwide, about 1.6 billion people lack
access to electricity services. There are also large
populations without access in the poorer countries of Asia
and Latin America, as well as in the rural and peri-urban
areas of middle income countries. However large-scale
electrification programs that is currently underway in
middle income countries and the poor countries of Asia will
increase household electricity access more rapidly than in

Support for Programmatic CDM Development for the National Program for Municipal Solid Waste in Morocco

Março, 2013

Carbon Finance Assist (CF-Assist) is a
capacity building and technical assistance program
established by the World Bank to help develop national
capacities of developing countries on carbon finance and
clean development mechanism (CDM) activities. The objective
of the mission is to develop CDM Program of Activities
(PoA), based on a programmatic approach for CDM Project
Activities (CPA) in solid waste sector in Morocco. More

Assessment of Housing for Low-income Groups in Danang : Phase I Report

Março, 2013

Danang City is the capital and economic
hub of the central region of Vietnam. As in all of the major
urban centers of the country, Danang is currently
experiencing rapid urbanization fueled by consistent
economic growth and the resultant steady increase in
population, much through rural-urban migration. For this
reason, central and city government has been increasingly
concerned with the urban development and housing sectors.

Technical Assistance and Training in Integrated Provincial Planning : Quang Nam Province, Vietnam

Março, 2013

Traditionally both national and regional
development planning in Vietnam has been driven by
'top-down' Central Government social and economic
targets based on limited analytical investigation. However,
with the advent of the free market economy in Vietnam since
the late 1980s, vigorous global economic competitiveness and
Vietnam's membership to the World Trade Organization
(WTO), changes in national policy in Vietnam have now

Republic of Togo : Urban and Peri-Urban Development and Policy Note

Março, 2013

This review concludes that for
Togo's urban and peri-urban areas to sustainably grow,
issues of urban governance and development need to be
approached in a comprehensive manner, driven by well -guided
policies developed in partnership with the people to support
Sub-National Government Authorities and Entities(SGAs) in
carrying out their functions efficiently. To meet evolving
challenges of urbanization and decentralization, the